[13] Don't get used to it

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"You guys should've been there they were awesome!" Mae exclaimed to the friendship group as we sat around the table at dinner.

"Yes Mae, you've said," Layla laughed.

"They were! You should have seen Mike! He was awesome,"

"I'm sure he was," Kennedy nodded to her.

"He was- then- then we went to meet them like backstage or whatever and-" She switched her sentence frequently trying to decide what she wanted to speak about. "-And I hugged Mike- then Billie asked if he could sign Echos tits then-"

"-Hold up!" Layla shouted quickly stopping her, Mae stopped confused.

I felt myself become embarrassed, I knew I was probably a very bright shade of red so I hide my face in my hands as I heard Kennedy speak.

"Billie asked to sign your tits!?" She shouted over to me.

I quickly looked over at her. "Kennedy shut up!" I ushed worriedly. "Don't say that so loud,"

"Well!?" Layla asked.

"Well, what?"

"Did he sign them?"

"No!" I said quickly, "Course he didn't,"

"He pinned her down and sat on her and he signed her forehead instead," Mae told them. I looked over at her wide eyed.

"Mae shut up!"

"He pinned you down!?"

"With the help of Tre," I added.

"He really sighed your forehead?" Kennedy asked me.

"Sorta," I shrugged. "He just wrote 'Billie joes property,' in capitals."

They all began to squeal in excitement.

"No way!"

"That's so cute!"

"It is?" I questioned. They nodded at me with big smiles, even Mae did.

"Of course is it!"

"How did you convince your parents to let you go out?" Kennedy asked me.

"I told them I was going to Mae's house to do homework. Mae came to mine so it was more believable and before we left I made it clear I was leaving with her," I told them. When going anywhere. I always had to have a full proof plan with my parents. Because they were not generous with letting me go to places like Gilman to watch boy bands.

"Are you seeing him any time today?"

"Yeah," I smiled slightly to her, "He invited me over to his house later,"



"It was right across my forehead Beej!" I laughed to him, rolling my eyes in annoyance but couldn't help but to smile straight after.

"You gave me the idea," He shrugged innocently. "You literally said 'or my forehead,'"

"I didn't think you'd pin me down to the ground and write with a marker across it!"

"You should never assume what I'll do, cause I'll most likely do it if you think I won't,"

"Well, I know that now," I slightly smiled. "I guess the only thing I assumed is that you weren't as crazy as you really are,"

"You think I'm crazy?" He smirked.


"I'm not crazy,"

Nimrod // B.J.A Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now