[15] Lightweight

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"Billie joe I'm not so sure about this..." I mumbled nervously as I climbed into his car. I had left my house with the excuse that Mae and I were having a sleepover. Promising her my homework was done and all my other chores. And even then she wasn't happy about me going, but in the end, I did.

"Party's aren't even scary," He casually brushed it off as I clicked in my seat belt. "Honestly, you'll be fine. Just stay by my side, and tug me if you wanna go home at any point- and we'll go, okay?"

I breathed in, before turning to look at him and softly smiling nervously. "Alright," I breathed out. "Make sure to have me back at Maes safe,"

"I will," He laughed slightly before turning back towards in his seat and starting the car.

He drove us to Mike's house, the party had already started a while ago. And my mother being stubborn about finally letting me leave the house made our planned time to get there very much delayed. But none to say the less it was alright and we'd still make it.

He put on some music as he drove, as we laughed hysterically singing with each other. I was singing terribly, and he obviously wasn't.

And after a few songs had passed the car parked outside of Mike's house. I undid my seatbelt as I heard his un click, and we got out the car making our way into Mike's.

We walked straight in, and the sudden loud music hit me. Blaring through the house, killing my eardrums. There were people pretty much everywhere, dancing, drinking, smoking, kissing, eating, arguing, crying, laughing.

He grabbed my hand with no word of warning as I looked over at him, maybe I had displayed my sudden discomfort with this party on my face. Because he squeezed my hand for a split second before whispering. "Just stay close to me,"

I nodded before we began walking through the living room and looping through all the other teenagers. Not letting go of his hand or even as to moving too far away.

He pulled me into the kitchen where there were fewer people. And one tall guy stuck out specifically to me.

"Mike," Billie called to him as we walked over. He spun around and widened his eyes as he noticed me.

"Echo? At a party?" He asked himself. "Has the world gone mad?"

"Shut up Mike," I laughed punching his arm gently. "I'm only here cause I was dragged here,"

"I didn't drag you here," Billie corrected. "I persuaded you to come here,"

"Alright same thing, where's Mae?" I asked Mike looking around him, but I couldn't see her.

"She just went to the bathroom, she should be coming out in like a second or two,"

I nodded my head as Billie brought something up with Mike. It wasn't anything interesting in my perspective so I just awkwardly stood holding Billie's hand. Nervously looking around me, at all the other people who were here.

The discomfort in my stomach and the awkwardness stretching through my joints was almost ineffable in the weirdest way. I was enjoying the anxiety I was experiencing of being surrounded by so many people, maybe that was because I never had been to a party before.

I finally felt two hands plant themselves quickly on my shoulder from behind as I squealed letting go off Billie's hand as spinning around.

Mae began to laugh hysterically removing her hands, then finally grinning at me. "I knew it was you! You're here!"

"I would hope you would think it would be me, who else are you gonna see holding Billie joes hand?" I laughed slightly.

I looked over at Billie, who had stopped talking to Mike and turned a little red at the tip of his nose looking away.

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