[16] Prissy

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"Ow- that hurts!" Billie winced as I sighed moving the wet towel away from his cheek.

"Sorry," I mumbled sarcastically walking back into his bathroom to wash the blood of the towel.

"How's your head?" I heard Mike ask Billie from his room.

"Pounding, I feel like it's gonna explode or something,"

"Your heads not gonna explode," I told him rolling my eyes as I walked back in. "You've just gotta headache. Don't try and act like it's a concussion or anything, next thing y'know he'll be acting like he doesn't know who we are,"

"Who is this talking to me?" He asked Tre who was sat beside him with a clueless look on his face. Tre sniggering lightly at the clearly immature joke.

"Billie shut up, I don't have time for this." I told him bluntly kneeling back in front of him with the wet towel in my hand.

"-Alright... sorry,"

I began to clean the cut on his cheek as Billie bit his lip trying not to pull away or say 'ow' for the millionth time.

"Your step dad sucks," Mike commented from behind me.

"I agree." Billie grunted through gritted teeth, since the wet towel on his cut was causing him pain. But he knew if he moaned about the pain one more time I wouldn't of took it nicely, I think they could all tell I was on the verge.

"There." I finally sighed pulling the towel away. "It's cleaned. Now you just need to stick a patch on it,"

"Are you joking?"


"I'll look like an idiot with a patch on my face!"

"What and you won't look like an idiot with a cut on it?" Mike asked.

"I think it looks cool," Tre weirdly complimented observing the huge gash in Billies left cheek.

"You're being a baby. It's just a big plaster." I sighed re opening the first aid box I stole from my house, I pulled out a plaster big enough to cover the cut and shut the box again. "I can't believe he did this," I whispered to myself gently placing the plaster over the cut on his face. I patted it on before quickly planting a kiss on his other cheek as I stood back up, fast enough for neither Tre or Mike to realise.

"I mean he didn't mean to cut my cheek," Billie shrugged.

"He shouldn't of slapped you anyway dude," Tre pointed out shaking his head slightly. "That's literally abuse,"

"It's fine," Billie lightly smiled shrugging it off.

"Billie Joe he cut your cheek," I sternly grumbled with my hands on my hips, looking down at him as he was still sat on the edge of his bed.

"Actually his ring cut me."

"His ring cut you because he slapped you and the ring caught your flesh- but either way you shouldn't of been slapped." I argued.

"Trust me- I fucking know." Billie finally snapped. Using a sort of aggressive tone. I widened my eyes and backed down as I picked up the first aid kit off the floor and walked into his bathroom to wash my hands as I heard Tre speak up.

"Billie she just helped you,"

"You're right. I'm sorry, I'm just in pain,"

"What are you gonna tell your mom about the huge plaster?" Mike questioned.

"I'll say I fell out a tree and scratched it on a branch or something."

I walked back into the room taking a seat on Billies bean bag in the corner. "Are you ever gonna tell her what happens with him?"

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