Day One

666 13 1

Actor AU/Photographs/Movie Theatre
(It's the explosive Pomeranian's birthday today! Happy birthday, Bakugo!)


As the BakuSquad sat in their respective cinema theatre in surprising silence with the large screen up the front lit up and projecting a new movie; to a majority of the squad's despair, it was horror; Bakugo wondered how the hell he managed to let himself get talked into this.

Allow me to explain.

When Bakugo woke up that morning, he had expected the day to go just like any other Monday. What he hadn't expected was for the self-proclaimed BakuSquad; consisting of Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Ashido, though Jiro had decided to tag along; to approach him and sing happy birthday at the top of their lungs, reminding the ash-blond haired male that it was April 20th; his birthday. The BakuSquad had then harassed him for the next ten minutes, trying to convince him to let them take him to the cinema as a birthday treat. Eventually Bakugo had reached his limit and aggressively agreed, but only because Kirishima had proceeded to give him puppy-dog eyes when he was about to explode. Bakugo had no idea why he had let something as simple as puppy-dog eyes win him over, but by that time it was far too late to back out. The rest of the squad had already gotten permission from Aizawa to go, but only after classes had ended for the day.

That brings us back to the BakuSquad in the cinema, munching on popcorn and somewhat enjoying the movie. For future reference, the seating is as follows: Kirishima is on the far right closest to the isle, followed by Bakugo, Jiro, Kaminari, Sero and Ashido.

As yet another jumpscare occurred onscreen, Kaminari let out a small shriek of terror before clinging onto Jiro, who used one of her jacks to force him off her. He then clung to Sero, who gently pried him off. Meanwhile Ashido was trying her best not to giggle as she kept her eyes glued to the screen. It was a miracle they hadn't been kicked out yet, or at least shushed by a fellow viewer.

Glancing over to his right, Bakugo noticed that Kirishima was trembling ever so slightly in his seat. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness having been glued to the screen the entire time, the ruby-eyed male noticed that the redhead's cheeks were damp.

The fuck? Tears..?

Then he remembered.

Oh yeah, Shitty Hair is as much of a fucking pussy as Dunce Face. Maybe even more—

Bakugo was snapped out of his thoughts by another jumpscare occurring, a majority of people in the theatre screaming. Then, the ash-blond heard a quiet whimper. Glancing over at Kirishima again, Bakugo was taken aback by how utterly terrified he looked. He had his eyes squeezed shut and was attempting to bring his legs up onto his seat so that he could hug them. Just as he was about to do so, Bakugo stood up, slipped past the redhead and grabbed his arm harshly, yanking him up out of his seat as the rest of the squad shot them confused looks.

"We're going to get snacks, dumbasses. We'll be back soon," Bakugo hissed, not giving his friends any opportunity to answer as he dragged Kirishima out of the theatre. By now the redhead had come back to his senses and was confused as all hell.

"Bakugo? I— where— what—"

The teen in question flicked Kirishima's nose, successfully shutting him up. He made a mental note to use that on Deku the next time he started muttering.

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