Day Four

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Dystopia AU/Demon x Angel/Team
(A/N: Trigger warning for what could possibly be interpreted as homophobia)


He could clearly remember the exact moment he had met and somewhat befriended an angel. It was during academy hours—yes, even the afterlife had school, unfortunately. Bakugo had grown tired of class and decided to sneak out, pulling the hood of the hoodie he had been wearing over his head to hide his identity, hoping he wouldn't be caught. He had been caught, but not by who he had expected. He could still remember what the angel boy had said upon running into him in the halls, not realising he was a demon as his horns had been hidden under his hood and his tail had been tucked into his baggy trousers.

"Hey, what're you doing out here, man? Shouldn't you be in class?"

Bakugo could also remember, word for word, the subsequent conversation that occurred.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Bro, I can tell you're trying to dodge the question."

"Whatever, I was just... going to the bathroom."

"Wait, seriously? If that's the case then you're going the wrong way!"

"Shut the fuck up, Shitty Hair; I just got a little lost."

"Shitty Hair?"

"Seems to fit pretty damn well."

"Whatever you say. Crap, I just realised I haven't even introduced myself! I'm Eijiro Kirishima!"

"Katsuki Bakugo."

"That's such a manly name, Bakubro! Now I gotta go, but hopefully I'll see you around!"

After that, the two teens didn't speak to each-other for quite some time. It wasn't until a few weeks later that they finally interacted again. The angel and demon classes were being forced to come together and engage in two-on-two combat training, which meant that each pair required an angel and a demon, much to the horror of the teachers. Most students had been finding it rather difficult to team up with someone of the opposing race, but upon seeing Bakugo in the crowd of demons, Kirishima had known exactly who he was going to team up with.


"Shitty Hair?"

"Bro, I didn't know you were a demon! Why didn't you tell me?"


"Never mind that; we should team up!"

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Well you don't seem too keen on teaming up with anyone else. I'm your best shot! And we'll get to see the chemistry between our Quirks!"

"...Sure, why the fuck not. Let's hope you ain't dead weight, Shitty Hair."

"Hey, quit calling me that, man! My hair isn't that different from yours!"

The match that had occurred after that was... intense, to say the least. The demon and angel had discovered that their Quirks did indeed work very well together. Bakugo's Quirk was Explosion, which gave him the ability to create explosions with just the sweat on his palms. Said sweat acted like nitroglycerin. Kirishima's Quirk was Hardening, which meant he was able to harden any of the skin on his body to the point where it was impenetrable. These two abilities combined made for an unstoppable team.

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