Day Two

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Office AU/Boss x Assistant/Cooking


The common room of Heights Alliance was in complete chaos. It was five-thirty in the evening; the time that most of the class would be eating dinner. Unfortunately, Bakugo; who normally cooked for the class; had fallen ill that morning and had been put on strict bed rest orders by Recovery Girl, meaning he was unable to appease the hangry spawns of Satan he called his classmates. The class had attempted to find someone else capable of cooking, but they didn't have many options. Sato only really had experience with baking, and Iida and Yaoyorozu were doing homework. Other than that, not many other students knew how to cook proper meals, either that or they were too lazy.

Like the man he was, Kirishima eventually decided to step in and cook for the class despite Ashido's protests. Only she knew that the redhead was terrible at cooking, almost as bad as Kaminari, who could barely make something as simple as toast without almost burning the place to the ground.

It was now almost six in the evening and Kirishima was struggling. He was trying to understand the recipe laid out in front of him on the bench while simultaneously attempting to keep the crazed students in check with the help of the remaining few sane students—Todoroki, Midoriya, Asui and Sero, to name a few. The redhead finally got some peace after those few sane students managed to occupy the demons with Mario Kart.

Kirishima smiled widely as he heard cheers, victorious whoops and yells coming from the common room. Deep down he wanted to join them, but knew that getting food ready for them was the priority as video games wouldn't occupy them forever, despite how addicted to screen time teenagers seemed to be.

"Eiji, what the fuck are you doing?"

The redhead jumped out of his skin and yelped in fright. He whipped around from where he was standing facing the bench and gasped when he saw none other than Bakugo standing there, looking half-dead. His eyes were red at the rims, his nose was running and he looked as if he could pass out at any moment.

"K-Katsubro, aren't you supposed to be resting?"

Bakugo narrowed his eyes, the intimidating aura he was attempting to give off ruined as he sniffed and wiped his nose. "Answer the question. What the fuck are you doing?"

Kirishima frowned, realising Bakugo wasn't going anywhere until he got an answer. "Well, since you're sick, I decided to make dinner for the class. Most of 'em are getting pretty hangry, but the rest managed to distract 'em with Mario Kart."

"So that's what all the fucking noise was.."

Bakugo then began approaching Kirishima, causing the boy to take a few cautious steps back only to realise he was backed up against the bench. "K-Kat, what're you—"

The ash-blond pecked the redhead on the cheek before turning to face the bench and cracking his knuckles. "Since you're so desperate to do my 'chore', I might as well teach you how to do it right."

Kirishima's face went red as he became both flustered and embarrassed.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Bakugo and Kirishima are dating?

"O-Okay, if you're sure you're up to it—"

"I'm fucking fine; it's just a runny nose! Jesus, you make it sound like I'm dying or something!"

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