Day Three

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Royalty AU/Tragic Love/Magic
(Just letting you know that in this oneshot, Kirishima has dragon wings and horns in his normal form. Also this chapter was extremely rushed and is unedited because I procrastinated for ages and left myself with not a lot of time to write. If the general plot or anything else is confusing, that's why)


Katsuki had no idea how he'd gotten into this situation; standing before the half-dragon prince, sword drawn, but reluctant to make his move and strike. All he had to do was slay the creature and return to his kingdom with evidence of his triumph, then his mother; Queen Mitsuki; would grant him a Quirk. So why wasn't he moving?

For fuck's sake, just drive the sword through its puny body, damnit! It'd be dead within moments!

But his body didn't oblige to his mental commands. The ash-blond was forced to simply stand there, his cape fluttering behind him with the wind as his grip on his sword tightened and his teeth clenched. Meanwhile, the half-dragon prince; who was currently in human form; stared at the boy before it in curiosity. It was natural for half-dragons to be overly curious when it comes to humans. After all; they aren't entirely human themselves, meaning they don't possess all human habits and are therefore eager to learn so they can attempt to fit in and be accepted within mortal society.

Eventually, Katsuki's ruby red eyes happened to drift upwards and meet the half-dragon's gaze. Upon seeing the creature simply staring at him, unmoving, rage bubbled up inside him and he finally found it within himself to move. He readied his sword and began approaching the half-dragon, but stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing the creature flinch. It began backing away slowly, holding its right arm up in front of its face and allowing tough red scales to grow from its wrist to its elbow. Though it didn't say a word, Katsuki could tell it was afraid. At the same time, it was vulnerable. The barbarian prince could easily find a weak spot amongst its feeble defence and introduce it to death. But oddly enough, looking into the creature's fearful eyes, Katsuki felt as if... what he was doing was wrong, cruel, selfish even.

And the half-dragon looked familiar, though the barbarian prince was fairly certain he had never encountered it in his life.

The ash-blond kept his sword pointed at the half-dragon prince to keep it at bay as he attempted to collect himself. The barbarian prince's attempts, however, were futile. Moments later, he finally gave in and threw his weapon to the ground, letting out a scream of frustration in the process.

"God fucking damnit, why can't I just fucking kill you?! What's wrong with me..?"

Katsuki ran a hand through his spiky hair and turned around, closing his fingers around the ash-blond locks and tugging at them. Making the assumption that it was safe, the half-dragon lowered its defences and cautiously approached the ash-blond. It even took the liberty of seizing his weapon from the ground, intending to return it to him, but upon noticing the barbarian prince's frustration, the creature hesitated. Was it really such a good idea to be returning the deadly weapon to a clearly angry teenager? Who, might I add, was out for half-dragon blood mere moments ago?

Katsuki turned his head slightly over his shoulder, eyebrows furrowing as his gaze came to rest upon the half-dragon standing awkwardly with his sword in its grasp. The creature gasped quietly; somehow aware that Katsuki was watching it; and hastily extended the sword towards him. The barbarian prince raised his eyebrows as he slowly took his weapon and slid it into his holster, then turned around to face the half-dragon. The creature in question didn't move.

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