Day Five

247 8 1

Free AU/Travel Problems/School

Inverted AU

(A quick note regarding appearances: Bakugo has black hair and azure eyes, Midoriya has purple hair and purple eyes, Todoroki's left side has blue hair and a pink eye while his right side has black hair, a dark grey eye and his scar (since he's Inverted I like to imagine the scar on the opposite side), Kirishima has light blue hair with light blue eyes, and Uraraka has blonde hair with yellow eyes. Additional characters will have their appearances explained within the chapter)

Unedited because I once again had to rush to get this done.


Kirishima's eyes drifted away from his phone and to his left as he heard laughter coming from one of the nearby desks. Upon seeing Uraraka, Todoroki and Midoriya surrounding Bakugo's desk, he rolled his eyes. The trio did this every day, but never elicited any reaction other than silence from the black-haired boy. Kirishima used to join in with the teasing; though he considered to be harassment now; but stopped once it became clear nothing was going to come out of it. If Bakugo wasn't going to react, what was the point?

Uraraka huffed as she flicked one of her bangs in a cliché mean girl fashion. "This is so boring! Can we please just sit down, Izu?"

Midoriya; who was currently snapping at Todoroki for being clingy; glanced at the blonde. His eyes narrowed microscopically before a smug smile overtook his features and he casually grabbed and yanked Bakugo's hair. A small yelp escaped the boy, causing Todoroki to go into hysterics while Uraraka just scoffed. Kirishima and Midoriya's eyes met for a brief moment, but the purple-haired boy didn't acknowledge it. He simply turned his bored gaze to Uraraka as Todoroki calmed down and wiped tears from his eyes.

"If you want to sit down, be my guest. But you might miss out on an outburst~"

Kirishima snorted, but quickly slapped a hand over his mouth before anybody could hear him.

Uraraka scoffed a second time; she seemed to enjoy doing that. "Yeah, sure, whatever." And with that, the blonde travelled over to her desk and sat down, immediately pulling out her phone. Meanwhile, Midoriya and Todoroki continued harassing Bakugo, while Kirishima continued watching in case the situation escalated to a point where he'd have to step in.

"What's the matter, Baka? Cat got your tongue?" Kirishima scowled as Midoriya pushed Bakugo's head downwards, causing his forehead to collide with the desk. Midoriya smirked, though his left eye twitched slightly in annoyance as Todoroki began cackling. Tears began forming in the timid boy's azure eyes and Kirishima stood up abruptly, his chair screeching loudly as it was pushed backwards. Bakugo visibly flinched at the sound. Midoriya noticed this and opened his mouth to make a snide comment, but Todoroki beat him to it.

"Why are you so scared of loud noises? Aren't they part of your Quirk~?"

Kirishima took a step forward, jaw clenching as he struggled to control his anger. Meanwhile, Midoriya was glaring at his friend, who wore an innocent yet sly smile on his face.

"Keep your mouth shut, crackhead. I don't appreciate you stealing my thunder."

Todoroki opened his mouth to protest, but ultimately decided against it and looked away, a small pout on his lips. It was then that Kirishima finally decided to speak up. Unfortunately, he was cut off before he could even utter a single syllable by their homeroom teacher trudging into the classroom. Everyone scrambled to get to their seats, most of them giggling the entire way. Majority propped their feet up onto their respective desk, and Mr. Aizawa struggled to maintain his normally positive attitude. He stood up front behind the teacher's podium, forced a grin onto his face and began the lesson, though Kirishima wasn't paying attention. All he could think about was Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki and Bakugo. While he was pretty sure Bakugo hadn't forgiven him for being a former member of the very squad that bullied him, he still wanted to do something, anything, to help him. Simply talking to Midoriya, Uraraka and Todoroki would do nothing, so what other options were there?

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