Day Seven

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Disney AU/Laughs/Beach Day


Despite having been dating Bakugo for over a month, Kirishima had never heard him genuinely laugh. It was odd, but then again, it was Bakugo; he wasn't exactly the type of person to show any emotion other than anger, unless there were certain circumstances.

When the redhead informed the rest of the BakuSquad of his shocking revelation, they immediately got to work coming up with a plan to make the angry Pomeranian laugh. It took them a while, but eventually they came to the agreement that Kirishima would take Bakugo on a date to the beach the next day; since that was their day off; and embark on a solo mission to make him at least giggle. The redhead was initially unsure about the plan, but reconsidered as he began wondering what Bakugo's real laugh sounded like, as opposed to his evil cackle.

Sunday rolled around faster than expected, and Kirishima; having decided to go through with the plan; was quick to approach Bakugo and ask him about the beach date before he could become otherwise occupied. Claiming to have nothing better to do, the ash-blond organised with his boyfriend to meet at the beach in an hour, which gave both of them time to get ready.

As Kirishima searched his room for a towel, his phone began vibrating and playing the chorus of Revenge by CaptainSparklez, which was the BakuSquad group chat's custom ringtone. Kaminari had chosen it and then proceeded to make it so nobody could change it without special permission from him. The redhead jammed to the music as he strolled over, frowning as he answered the group call and the tunes stopped. He put it on speaker and placed it back down, resuming his search for a towel as Ashido's voice rang out.

"Hi, Kiri!"

Kirishima chuckled, grinning triumphantly as he found a red and black striped towel. "Hey, Mina. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing, just wanted to check in with how things were going regarding your 'date' with Bakugo~"

Kirishima folded the towel in his possession and attempted to stuff it into the bag he was planning on taking with him to the beach. "Well, he agreed, and you know this isn't just for the sake of the plan, right? I've actually been planning on taking him on another date for a while."

Ashido giggled as the sound effect notifying them that someone else had joined the call went off. When Bitch Lasagna by PewDiePie was blasted through the speaker at full volume, it was obvious who the newcomer was.

"Hey, Kaminari."

"Kami's here! And he brought his terrible music along with him, apparently.."

"How dare you! Bitch Lasagna is a work of art! Would you rather me play something like Despacito or Crab Rave?"

"Oh dear God, no thank you."

Kirishima snorted as he continued packing his beach items. Kaminari must've heard him, because the human Pikachu was quick to drag him into a random conversation.

"Yo Kirishima, what's better? Memes or vines?"

"Trick question; you yourself said both are blessings to this planet just a week ago. Therefore, both are as good as each-other."

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