Day Six

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Dancers AU/Coexistence/Injury

Not gonna lie; I'm not too proud of this one. It was extremely half-assed since I hardly had any inspiration, which is also why this is significantly shorter than the other chapters.


It had happened so fast that it took Bakugo a moment to process what had happened. More specifically; what had happened to his significant other, Kirishima. One minute, the pair were practising their dance routine and everything was going smoothly, and the next, Kirishima was on the ground, clutching his ankle in agony. Being the secretly caring boyfriend he was, Bakugo rushed to Kirishima's aid in a panic, only for that panic to vanish instantaneously as he assessed the extent of his partner's injuries.

"Are you fucking serious? You're being this melodramatic over a sprained ankle?"

Kirishima nodded, his lip quivering slightly. Bakugo sighed exasperatedly.

"Kiri, you're a fucking dancer. This is an injury we get all the damn time; how the hell aren't you used to it?"

The redhead stared up at his boyfriend with sad eyes, though his eyebrows were furrowed. "Not everyone has as much of a pain tolerance as you."

Bakugo blinked. "...Fair fucking point."

Kirishima opened his mouth to say something as he attempted to stand, but was cut off by Bakugo scooping him up into his arms bridal style. As he lifted his redheaded boyfriend, he spun, most likely trying to show off since his ego helped convince him he was the best dancer. Kirishima barely ever argued with that, of course, since Bakugo was his boyfriend and therefore he was legally required to agree with whatever he said.

As the ash-blond carried his boyfriend to the nurse's office, he was forced to listen to him endlessly whine about his ankle. In Bakugo's opinion, Kirishima would've done better in drama.

"Oh my god, can you please shut the fuck up?! You sprained your ankle! Jesus, you're making it sound as if it's life-threatening."

The redhead raised an eyebrow. "What if it was life-threatening?"

"Then I'd rush you to the nearest damn hospital, simple as that," Bakugo replied in a heartbeat. Kirishima gazed up at him in awe, momentarily forgetting about the pain in his foot.

"Really? You wouldn't just... call an ambulance or something?"

"No, because I'd want to be by your side to make sure you didn't die, which would mean I'd refuse to let those paramedic fuckers take you away from me. Unless I was allowed to get a ride with 'em, obviously."

Kirishima rolled his eyes with a small sigh. He loved Bakugo with all his heart and admired his dancing more than anyone else's, but the ash-blond was still quite rough around the edges. Fortunately, the redhead didn't mind that. It just meant Bakugo was human, and that his amazing dancing skills weren't just something programmed into his being using computer code.

As Bakugo arrived at the door to the nurse's office, he slowly lowered Kirishima onto his feet and helped him stand. Now that he was having a good look at the redhead's foot, it appeared to be quite swollen. Perhaps he wasn't exaggerating about the pain of his injury after all.

"Hey, Kat?"

The ash-blond's fist; which was rising up to knock on the door; stopped dead in its tracks. His ruby eyes met his boyfriend's gaze and he raised an eyebrow.


"I love you~"

Bakugo scowled and looked away, failing to hide the pink tint that quickly spread on his cheeks. Kirishima chuckled as quietly as possible, wincing as he put too much weight on his injured foot. The ash-blond knocked on the door and moments later the two of them were ushered inside. Bakugo was instructed to leave, and he surprisingly obliged, but not before calling five words over his shoulder with a small smile.

"Love you too, Shitty Hair."


Chapter word count: 611

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