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There were no stars in the night. Elena didn't know why she bothered looking. New York City had too many lights, and the pollution about the air didn't help it. She listened to the sound of her shoes hitting the sidewalk. Elena shivered when a gust of wind ran through her face, but she didn't stop.

Never had she thought that she would ever have to sneak out from anywhere at night, especially from Avengers Tower. She had never done it as a teenager. Quite frankly, she never had anywhere to be with the exception of school and the library, which closed at night. Elena frowned. It made sense though. All she had ever done as a child was study and more studying. She shuddered at the memories. She had no idea how she had the self control to sit in a chair for so long staring at long textbooks.

Nowadays, she didn't think she could research anything for straight hours. She had grown lazy in her years alone. What was the point? She wouldn't gain anything. Her future was ruined the moment she was able to see cells.

Elena came to a stop in front of her apartment complex. She gulped, lifting her head to find her window. She couldn't help but to be nervous even if Lieselotte Whitehall was to arrive the next day. What if she was early? What if the message to the Avengers was only to get their attention? Her attention?

Swallowing, she pushed open the door. Her feet found their way to the stairs, and it felt like no time had passed when she found herself in front of a door. Here it was, Apartment 21B. Elena reached into her pocket. Her fingers closed around cold metal, her key, and inserted it into the keyhole.

She took another breath, but all it did was form more butterflies in her stomach. Nothing was going to calm her at this point. Elena itched to reach down to grasp her other hand, to rub her wrist, but she feared that if she let go, she would never find the courage to enter her apartment. She almost snorted at the irony. She was afraid to enter her own home.

Elena turned the key until the distinct click sounded. Her heart skipped at it, and she held her breath as she twisted the door knob. She stood frozen in place, and sweat began streaking down her head. Another breath.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she muttered to herself. "Three," she whispered. "Two."

The last second seemed to drag on forever, and Elena's lips parted. Her shoulders tensed, and Elena thought that her hand would crush the metal door knob if she waited any longer. "One."

The door swung open.

Her breath hitched.

And yet, nothing happened.

Elena opened her eyes to find her apartment just the way she left it. She blinked. Shutting the door behind her, she narrowed her eyes. She looked around her apartment, moving slowly. Each step felt like it was weighed down by the sky, and she peered into the bathroom to find nothing. She moved to the bedroom. Still nothing.

Letting out a breath that she had been holding, Elena slumped down. She rubbed her eyes, combing her hair back with her hands. Walking back out to the main room, she pulled a drawer. She quickly slipped her spare glasses on her head and pocketed her phone. That was better. Not being able to see properly had given her a disadvantage.

Elena turned to eye the sharp glass that lay on the wooden floor. Sighing, she grabbed a broom. It was about time she cleaned it. She was going to have visitors after all.

Elena didn't know how long she spent cleaning, but by the end, she found herself humming. Blinking in surprise, she cut off her voice and looked around. Her eyes widened. Somehow, she had polished off the entire apartment. Elena scratched her head. Was this the meaning of stress? 

Sighing, she glanced at the clock. 1:57AM. Elena rubbed her wrist, weariness suddenly settling in her bones. She supposed she should sleep, if that was even possible.

Turns out, it was not. Elena twisted and turned in bed, her legs tangling with her bed sheets. She groaned, burying her head under a pillow. In the rare moment that she would find herself comfortable, her eyes would snap open and consciousness would return.

Cursing under her breath, Elena sat up. She looked at the time, falling on her back when she saw that what had felt like hours was only ten minutes. It was going to be a long night.

Morning couldn't come any sooner. Light peeked through her window, and Elena rolled onto her side. Stretching, she yawned. Her whole body yearned for sleep, yet at the same time, she had enough energy to run laps around Central Park. Elena sat up as she opened her eyes. She grabbed her glasses and looked around when the events of the night came crashing over her.

Elena got up slowly, making her bed. She wondered when Lieselotte Whitehall would appear. She didn't exactly get a time. Walking out of the door, she stopped in her tracks.

Her eyes bulged out of their sockets, and her jaw dropped to the floor. Stuttering, Elena stumbled back. She pressed her fingers to her temples, looking away. She gulped. She hadn't heard anything in the night, and Elena found herself to be a pretty light sleeper.

"Ms. Fan, how lovely of you to join me."

Her eyes snapped up at the voice. There, on the couch, was a cloaked woman. There was Lieselotte Whitehall. Elena sucked in a breath. She thought her voice familiar, but at the same time not. She had a thick German accent, and Elena was sure she had never met someone with one.

"Come, sit with me," she said.

Elena swallowed, but she tentatively sat on the armchair across from Lieselotte. She lifted her chin, folding her hands over her lap. Her back was as straight as a ruler, and her breathing seemed to slow.

"You look well," Lieselotte said. "Better than I expected."

"What?" Elena tried to hide her grimace. Her voice sounded tiny compared to Lieselotte.

"Cat got your tongue?" she chuckled, a light laugh that would have turned the hearts of many. "I said you look well. Honestly, I'm surprised you're still alive. Four years is a long time to hold such an ability."

Elena stiffened. She thought back to the accident, and she remembered.

Stand firm. We must finish this.

"Who are you?" she asked softly.

Lieselotte Whitehall seemed to grin under her hood. Her pale hands reached up to unveil herself. Blonde hair spilled out, and Elena met her eyes.

Her breath caught, and her heart skipped a beat or two. Her skin whitened.

"My dear, you look like you've seen a ghost," she said.

She had. Elena had seen a ghost. Her hands trembled, and she couldn't move. She was glued to her spot. "You're supposed to be dead," she whispered.

Because sitting in front of her was Dr. Lisa Hallman.


Bet you didn't see that coming.

Yeah, no. Lieselotte Whitehall and Lisa Hallman may have been too similar now that I think about it. That was my bad.

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