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"Boom, are you looking for this?"

Elena blinked, cocking her head to the side. She frowned and glanced at Tony and Thor.

"Boom, are you looking—why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else, that story kills."

Cracking a smile, Elena shook her head. She brought her wine glass to her lips, and her chest tightened at Thor's answer. She swallowed back a laugh, ducking away before Rhodey could say anything.

She walked slowly through the crowds of people, which would have been easier if she wore her vambraces. But ever since the final battle against Lieselotte, Elena hadn't put them on once, and she preferred to leave it at that. She smiled thoughtfully and took another sip of her wine as she finally found a wall she could stand against. Elena settled back and listened to the excited chattering, thinking back to a few months ago.

She had truly thought that she was dead the moment the old lab collapsed on top of her. But for once, the world seemed to be on her side. She had woken up back in the hospital several days later to find herself alive. Elena still remembered the rush of emotions that crashed over her when she realized that the Avengers had saved her.

Clint and Tony had been hospitalized with her, and Elena remembered the dread that had sunken when she realized that it was her fault. But the thought faded away after a long talk, and after it, Elena thought that she had never felt better.

A month or two later, Elena finally purchased a new apartment and moved out of Avengers Tower. It wasn't that she still disliked them. They were her friends, and Elena knew that if it came to it, she would return and fight another war. She knew Tony and Bruce were working on gadgets and weapons with her in mind for fun during their free time, and the few that Elena had tried turned out to be pretty awesome.

She had gotten herself a new job as a biology teacher at the Midtown School of Science and Technology. It was hard at first, but Elena loved it there.

"Fuck!" Elena jumped at a tap on her shoulder. She fumbled with her wine glass, thankfully not dropping it. "Natasha," she hissed. "Don't do that!"

She half snorted and half scoffed. "What are you thinking about?" she asked.

Elena sighed. "Everything."

"Do you regret any of it?"

Did she? Elena pressed her lips together, crossing her arms. She took a breath, and her heart skipped.

"No," she finally said. "I like things the way they are."

She felt Natasha's hand on her shoulder, and Elena smiled. She placed her glass down. "What?" she said, clearing her throat.

"Nothing." Natasha leaned towards her. "You've changed... that's all."

Elena laughed. She reached a hand into her pocket. Like always, the penny was there. "I've been working on it," she said.

"Got a boyfriend yet?"

Choking, Elena lightly punched Natasha in the shoulder. She coughed. "Of course not."



"What about the guy over there?" Natasha said. "He looks nice."

"Go back to bothering Steve."

"Have you met Helen Cho yet? She's a doctor. Bruce was pretty impressed with her."

Elena pushed Natasha back and shook her head. Picking her glass back up, she sighed. "I'm going to need another drink if I'm going to last the whole night."

Natasha followed her through the crowd, taking her glass when they reached the bar. Elena muttered a thank you, pulling up a chair. She blinked when Bruce slipped in beside her. Steve followed suit, taking the seat on the other side of her.

"Were you two waiting for me to come and pour you drinks?" Natasha said.

"Don't flatter yourself," Steve laughed as he leaned forward to grab his own drink.

Laughing, Elena pushed her wine glass back. She shook her head, raising a hand to cover her mouth. She turned away to face the party.

It was in full swing, and all the talking covered up the familiar rock music that played in the background. Elena could hear Thor's loud laugh through all the voices. Tony's snarky comment wasn't far behind, and she could even hear Clint yelling about something. The air smelled of all types of alcohol mixed together. Beer, wine, cider, it was all there.

Elena relaxed at the clinking of glasses, smiling at the thumping of dancing feet. She never thought that she would grow to love it, but after so many years, it was refreshing. She snapped out of her thoughts when Bruce called her name.

"Huh?" She turned back, and her hand almost slapped her wine glass flying. "Shit!" she gasped, steadying it. Her heart almost left her chest.

"Don't say that," Natasha chuckled. "Steve doesn't like it."

"Not this again," Steve groaned as Elena turned to him.

She blinked. "Wasn't there cursing in Avatar?"

"Don't you get on this too."

"Steve, it's the twenty-first century."

"Heiyue," he warned, but Elena only laughed.

She took a swig of her wine as Bruce spoke. "You guys want to do anything?"

"Pool?" Natasha suggested.

"Choose a game I can actually play," Elena sighed.

"Didn't you buy a board game before you moved out?" Steve said. "Do you still have it here?"

Elena shot up in her seat. A wide grin spread on her face, and she laughed. "Yes," she exclaimed. "The Game of Life! That's perfect. I'll go get it."

Hurrying away, Elena moved past the crowds. She climbed up a set of stairs, heading to the elevator. When she finally found the box in her old suite, Elena paused. She wondered how Will was doing wherever he was in the world. Was he content with things the way they were? Happy?

God, she hoped so. She knew so.

Thinking back to her time with him, she closed her eyes. If there was one thing Lieselotte was right about, it was Will. He was a small, pure daisy that stood against the world, withstanding anything and everything that came at his way. That was what flowers did, wasn't it?

They bloom every season, opening themselves up. They were easily snapped in half, but with the right and proper care, they could regrow and blossom again. They were a little thing, small, fragile, and easily overlooked. Elena didn't overlook them though. Not anymore. Because once upon a time, Elena called flowers beautiful.

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