Story of My Life

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Life had never been the same for Edward Cullen ever since his family had been brutally murdered. It had been about a year, but everyday felt like a whirlwind of shit. He closed his eyes and felt himself travel back to that fateful night.

March 25th, 2010

The Cullen family had returned from a night out on the town celebrating Edward's 16th birthday. The family laughed with each other, and Edward smiled contentedly. He wished he could stay with them, but he had promised his best friend, Timothée Chalamet, that he would go out and celebrate tonight. He bid his farewells and made his way out of the house. Even though it was March it was still cold in Forks, Washington. Timothée was waiting for him in his peach colored lamborghini. Edward hopped in and they left. The two had been friends for a very long time now, having met in grade school when Timothée had stolen Edward's lego ninjago toy.

"So, heard anything about a possible new car?" Timothée question him.

"My dad says he might buy me a pink barbie jeep but I don't think i'll get that lucky. God what I would give to have one of those" Edward sighed.

Timothée chuckled.

"You choose the music, it's your birthday after all. Just don't play shit." Timothée told him cheerfully.

Edward mulled it over for a second. He plugged his phone into the aux and chose one of his favorites. Timothée began to hum as the soundtrack from the hit musical Cats began to play. He rolled down the windows and his sunroof and they began to shout the lyrics to Mr. Mistoffeles.


"A CAT SO CLEVER AS MAGICAL MISTOFFELES" Edward screamed the words into the cold night air. The boys laughed and enjoyed each other's company. Edward closed his eyes and thought about how lucky he was. He was truly happy. He had a loving family, a best friend that would always be there for him. Things couldn't be better.

It was 10 minutes later when they pulled into the McDonald's parking lot.

"You ready for the night of our lives?" Timothée asked, grinning that beautiful grin of his. Edward would never in a million years admit it, but he had a crush on his best friend.

"Of course I am" Edward said happily. Timothée hopped out of the car and came to the other side, getting the door for Edward. Edward thanked him and they made their way into the restaurant. It was late, 11:30, so there weren't very many people. To the employees surprise, the boys headed straight for the play place instead of ordering food. They didn't seem to care enough though, and left them to do whatever they wanted. Little did they know that this was a common past time of the best friends.

"Ok, you hide and i'll find you" Timothée said while giggling. Edward was a little bit confused as to why his brunette friend was so giggly, but he did as he was told. He decided to head for the top and hide in the little area at the very very top. He waited in silence as he heard Timothée making his way up the play place.

"Don't think you can hide Cullen. I'll find
you. I always do" Timothée yelled out. Edward grinned. He was right. He always lost this game. Even though he knew he would be found, he still jumped when Timothée popped his head in the area.

"Gotcha!" He exclaimed as he pounced on Edward. They laughed as Edward realized there was no reason to be scared. He opened his eyes and found Timothée staring at him. He began to feel a little bit awkward and moved to get up when Timothée asked him a question.

" Ya like jazz Cullen?" he asked in a low voice. Edward was confused, but responded anyways. Of course I do, you know that. Timothée grinned.

"I guess I'm not as sexy as the bee. Never mind. I do have a present for you though Edward" Timothée said. Before Edward could say anything, Timothée was kissing him. Here at the top of this 2005 McDonald's play place, his best friend whom he has a crush on was kissing him for his birthday. He was ecstatic. They pulled apart and looked at each other for a moment.

"Thank you Timothée, that was really nice of you. You really know me too, choosing my favorite romantic destination" Edward told him, making sure he knew how he felt. Timothée smiled.

"I figured I should go all out" He says. After another round of hide and seek, the two decide to leave and head for the roller skating rink to terrorize little children. The time was now 12:30 am, and Edward couldn't believe they had been there so long. Just as they had shut the doors of the fancy car Edward received a call.

"Who's calling me at this hour" he wondered aloud. And just like that, his whole life changed. He told Timothée to take him home immediately and he would fill him in as he drove. It turned out that while they were gone the incredibly infamous serial killer Dora the Explorer and her accomplice Boots has broken into the Cullen house and murdered the entire family. Edward had changed that night. Naturally losing your family was going to change a person. But Edward clearly wanted revenge on Dora. He swore he would be the end of her if it killed him. Even though he didn't mean to, in the months to come he scared Timothée. They dated for a few months, but when Edward finally got adopted he knew he had to leave him behind. In retrospect he wished he hadn't ended things with Timothée, but he couldn't take it back.

Life would never be the same as it had been.

March 24th, 2011

Edward opened his eyes again after reliving the past year. He heard a yell from his abusive mother, Kanye, to get up and make weed pancakes because she was too lazy. Edward sighed and got up. This was his new life. Living in England, far away from normal, waiting on his mother hand and foot. He pulled his messy blonde hair into a tiny ponytail on his head and prepared himself for the day.

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