Hey Angel

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"Edward if you don't get down here and serve me some weed pancakes right now i'll take away your Alvin and the Chipmunks CD indefinitely this time!" Kanye screamed up at Edward.

Edward sighed. He knew he should be grateful that Kanye had decided to adopt him and bring him to England, but he just missed his late nights at the Mcdonald's play place. Those were the days...

"Coming Kanye" Edward yelled down. It was a rule in the house that Kanye would be referred to as Kanye and nothing else. Edward didn't mind, Kanye wasn't any mother to him anyways. He came into the kitchen to find Kanye standing with the weed out. She was dressed in a bright pink bath robe with angel wings all over it. She looked hungover. Edward immediately assumed she must have had a late night at the club. Even though he would never admit it, he admired her work as a stripper. At the very least it kept weed on the table. Edward got to work, making sure these pancakes were of good quality.

"I'm going to be out later tonight, so don't burn down my house. Oh, and no singing, no watching tv, no friends, no having fun at all. I mean it. My blood pressure can't handle the serotonin that comes from you when you have fun." Kanye said firmly.

Edward had gotten used to this kind of behavior ever since he was adopted. Over time he had found clever ways to get around his mother's crazy rules. Edward finished the weed pancakes and set them down on the table. Kanye began to wolf them down quickly. Edward didn't think she seemed human anymore. She looked like a rabid dog who was finally satisfied. Edward wondered if she was secretly rabiosexual.

With that Kanye finished her meal and left her plate for Edward to clean up. She muttered something about an ungrateful child and left. The kitchen was quiet now. Edward looked around and tried to come up with something to do for his longer day away from his mother. He started his day with cleaning up the kitchen and washing the dishes because why not.

Once he was done with the kitchen, Edward made his way up the stairs to finish his homework for Monday. School came easy to Edward as he had plenty of time to work on school work at home. Once he had finished it was around 2:30, so he decided he would sneak in a few hours of netflix. He ended up watching Hannah Montana until 6:00. He decided it was time to make himself some dinner.

Edward popped his pizza lunchable into the microwave and began to think. There was a part of him that wanted to call Timothée. He missed him, and he couldn't remember the last time he had smiled. As he thought, the microwave timer went off, singing Toxic by Britney Spears. At least this house had one good quality.

Edward began to sink his teeth into the delectable processed food. He decided he wouldn't call Timothée, as he wouldn't know what to say and it might give him the wrong impression. He did have an idea to have fun however, and as he put the container for his fine meal in the trash he began to get excited.

Edward bounded up the stairs on all fours in excitement and joy. Once he was there he brought out his secret cd player from the closet that he kept hidden from Kanye. He popped one of his favorite cd's into the player and waited. For a brief moment he had considered listening to the Cats soundtrack, but decided against it when he realized it would only bring up memories that would sadden him.

Edward sat up as the soft music began. He grabbed his hairbrush and began to sing.

" Nearrrrrr, farrrrrrrr, where everrrrrr you areeeee" Edward started softly. As the song continued, Edward began getting louder and louder.

Due to the loud music, and Edward's even louder singing he didn't hear Kanye's white kidnapping van pull into the driveway. Precious seconds ticked by as Edward sang his heart out, completely unaware of the terror coming up the stairs.

"YOUR HEEEEERREEEE THEREESSSSSSSS NOTHINGGGGGGGG I FEAAARRRRRR AND I KNOWWWW THAT MY HEARTTTTT WILLLL GO ONNNNNN" Edward was swinging from his ceiling fan and screaming the lyrics as Kanye slammed open his door.


Edward immediately fell from the ceiling fan onto his bed and turned off the music. He looked up to see Kanye. She was furious, even more furious than usual.

"I let you into my house. I let you eat my precious weed. I send you to school. I spend my days working hard so that you don't live on the streets, and this is how you repay me?" Kanye questioned furiously.

Edward looked down in shame. She was right and he knew it. He just didn't want her to get the fly swatter and hit him with it again.

"This was the last straw. I want you to know that. I'm going to go find someone to sell you too, and if i'm lucky you'll be gone in the morning. Start packing." Kanye's words were final. She slammed the door.

Edward stared in silence for a second. He wanted away from Kanye. He did. But now he doesn't know who is coming for him. He might not have a place to live. A silent tear fell down his cheek. He silently cursed Céline Dion.

He packed his things and drifted into an uneasy sleep. He awoke the next morning to banging on his door.

"Well, everything worked out and I have officially sold you. I can't pretend i'm not happy about this" Kanye said, and walked out of the room. It was quiet for a moment, and then sudden footsteps up the stairs. Edward fixed his hair and stared at the door as he awaited his new owner. Little did he know his life was about to change yet again.


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