Ready to Run

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~one week later~

Edward had settled in nicely at the One Direction mansion. He did simple tasks, such as bringing the boys things when they needed them and occasionally helping with song lyrics. All of the boys were very nice and understanding, and made sure he was comfortable. Well, all except one boy. Harry was still calling Edward "bitch"and avoiding him at all costs. Edward decided to not care anymore, why does he care if Harry doesn't like him. But deep down he did care. For some unshakable reason he found himself drawn to Harry.

"Hey Eddie, you still enjoying your surprise?" Niall asks Edward.

It's a sunny afternoon, and the boys are all laid out on a giant couch in their massive living room. The room is very contemporary with giant windows looking out over a lake, and a large tv on the wall.

"Yes, thank you so much. She's such a well behaved dog!" Edward says back to Niall. Niall had gotten Edward a dog as a welcoming present. Even though it was a girl, Edward had been set on naming it Jacob for some reason. Jacob was also laying on the couch with the boys.

"You know Edward, you've been very good to us this past week. We were thinking we would reward you this weekend" Louis said calmly.

Edward looked up. Louis had definitely taken on a more prominent role in getting Edward comfortable in the house. At first this whole experience had been terrifying; sold to a group of hot boys and leaving everything he knew. But honestly, this was the happiest Edward had ever been. He began to forget about getting revenge on Dora the explorer, and focus on making One Direction like him.

"What kind of reward?" Edward asked tentatively.

The boys smiled at each other.

"We don't live next to a giant lake for nothing. You're gonna get a front row seat to see my abs pretty boy" Liam said, smirking at Edward.

Edward was a little bit uncomfortable with Liam saying things like that around the other boys. He liked Liam a lot, and it was true, he was an absolute snacc. He just didn't know if he wanted to have a relationship with one of the boys out of fear it would affect the group.

"What he means is we want to go s- swimming with you at the lake" Zayn says timidly. Zayn had come out of his shell a little bit over the week Edward had been there.

"That sounds like a lot of fun, thank you guys for giving me some time off" Edward says kindly.

"It can be a sort of birthday present, since we didn't do much for your birthday" Louis says.

Edward had almost forgotten about his birthday if he was being honest. One Direction had bought him that day, and the inner thot in his soul believed that that was a good enough present for him.

"You don't have to do anything for my birthday, being sold to you guys is a great gift" he says sweetly.

The boys smile and go back to watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

After dinner that night Edward is making
his rounds, making sure all the boys are comfortable and ready to go to sleep. He pauses outside of Harry's room. He always saved Harry for last, as he liked to have time to prepare himself for the verbal abuse he would receive. He knocks and then enters.

Edward walks in and sees Harry, shirtless, laying on the bed reading Fifty Shades of Grey. Edward pauses. Harry hasn't seen him yet, so theoretically he could just leave and avoid this awkward situation. Just as he's about to do that Harry looks up.

"The bloody hell are you doing bitch?" Harry asks fiercely. He shoves the book under his pillow.

"I-I was just coming to make sure you were ready for bed" Edward stutters. He's mortified. He never would have thought Harry would read such a book, and he never thought he would catch him reading it shirtless.

"You could've at least said something when you came in. I don't like it when you're within 5 feet of me, it creeps me out. I've had that feeling ever since I met you. You with your obsession of Alvin and the Chipmunks, and swinging from your own ceiling fan while singing karaoke. I don't like you bitch" Harry states.

Edward is taken aback. Why is Harry so mean to him all the time. He gets caught swinging from his fan once, and suddenly he's the weird one. At least he doesn't read Fifty Shades of Grey.

"Why do you hate me so much? You guys are the ones that bought me, and i've tried to be nothing but nice to you in my week of being here" Edward says, more confidently than he thought he could.

"You may not have realized it yet, but I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in. I don't want to fit in. It would be smart of you to remember that. Besides, who listens to Alvin and the Chipmunks anymore? So 2007. If you want good music to listen to, I have every Kidz Bop CD that has ever been made. Take one and educate yourself" Harry tells him.

Now Edward is angry.

"You make fun of me, blatantly say you don't like me, and then you offer me music? Who do you think I am?" Edward asks angrily.

"I can see right through you. Yes it's true, you wanted to get away from that awful stripper mother of yours. However, that's not the only reason you're here. Deep down you are a raging thot. I see the way you act around the other boys and I don't buy your innocent act for a second. It would honestly be funny to watch if my band mates weren't all thots themselves. As it is they are, which means I have to watch you pick and choose like some reality tv show" Harry tells him.

"I don't know who you think you are, but you don't get to call me a thot to my face. For your information, i've only ever been with one boy and I scared him off. Sure I think the guys are attractive, but I'm a classy hoe. And don't forget it" Edward says icily.

Harry stands up and walks toward Edward. Edward starts backing up until he is stuck against the door.

"Don't you ever tell me what to do in my house again. Now take this masterpiece of a CD and get out of my sight" He shoves the cd into Edward's hand and shoves him out the door.

Edward races back to his room and shuts the door. He's breathing heavily, and can't believe all of that just happened. Hearing Harry talk to him like that ignited anger in him again. All of the sudden he wanted revenge on Dora the explorer. If she hadn't have brutally murdered his entire family with that sexy monkey of hers, none of this would have happened. He never would have met Kanye, he never would have been sold to One Direction. He would be at home, happily dating Timothée, and preparing to graduate high school.

He takes a deep breath and tries to settle down. He sets the kidz bop cd on his desk. His room was the one thing he felt he owned in the massive house. Naturally it had come with a wall full of One Direction posters, but he had put up a few of his own here and there. His favorite one being a giant poster of Preminger from his favorite barbie movie. He moves to get into bed and finds Jacob is asleep on his pillow. He gently moves the small dog over and climbs in. Now he has time to think about this weekend. What once had been exciting now seemed like a death sentence. If being stuck with Harry out at the lake where he might drown him wasn't enough, his fashion choice did.

How was he ever going to choose between his Hannah Montana swimsuit and his signed dr. doofensmirtz swimsuit?

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