No Control

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Edward woke up to bright sunlight streaming through his window. He slowly sat up and groaned. He happens to be a very heavy sleeper. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:00; he needed to start his chores so that he could greet the boys when they came down for breakfast at 8:30. That's when he realized it was Saturday, the day the boys said they were going to the lake.

" Shit!" he exclaimed as he realized he still hadn't chosen which swimsuit to wear. He got up quickly and began to get ready. Normally, he would listen to Celine Dion while getting ready, but ever since that fateful night he can't bring himself to do it.

He runs cold water over his face and looks in the mirror. He begins to think about his situation a little bit more, and suddenly he's fallen down a rabbit hole of thoughts. How was he going to handle being around five incredibly hot boys at the lake! He doesn't know if he can handle it.

He silently scolds himself for this thought. He works for these boys. Ever since he had moved in he noticed himself slowly being transformed into a thot. On the surface he believed that that isn't who he is. But deep down he's starting to suspect that there might be so much more to him than he realizes. He shakes his head and continues getting ready.

The one thing Edward found a tiny bit weird about this whole being sold to One Direction thing was his uniform. In the evenings he didn't have to wear it, but in the mornings when he attends to his chores he has too. He sighed, and slipped into his maid dress. It wasn't the worst thing ever, sometimes when he was alone and ran through the halls of the mansion he kind of liked it. With that final thought he left his room and headed to the kitchen.

Edward was used to having the kitchen to himself in the mornings, as the boys typically don't like to wake up earlier than they have to. This was not how this morning was going to go apparently.

"Morning Eddie!" Niall calls to him from behind the counter. Edward notices that Niall is already dressed and, for some reason, cooking something.

"Good morning Niall. Why are you cooking? You know I'll do that for you"

Niall chuckles. "I've always like cooking, and obviously I never get much of a chance to do it around here. Besides, you do so much for us that I figured I should make you breakfast. Now I can't make weed pancakes like you can, but I think you'll like my own special recipe. Do you like coke mixed with chocolate?" Niall asks.

"Ummm I've never had it. How exactly can you eat that if coke is a liquid?" Edward questions. Niall laughs softly.

"Not that kind of coke Eddie"

"Oh. I still don't see how you can eat that, but I guess i'll just trust your judgment" Edward states, confused.

"I heard about your run in with Harry the other night. I just want you to know that if you ever want me to stick up for you I will. Harry and I are pretty close if you can believe that. I'll tell him to stop"

"Oh Niall... You're so brave and thoughtful. I can handle Harry on my own though, I would hate to cause drama between you boys. Besides, i'm going to have to do chores for you guys for a long time, so I'll have to get used to him" Edward is so awestruck by Niall's bravery. What a hunk. Just then, Edward is pulled from his thoughts as Niall comes around from the side of the counter. Edward instinctively backs up against the white cabinets of the large kitchen.

"You know Edward, if you ever need anything at all you can just come to me. I may have only just bought you a week ago, but I like you a lot. You're not like the other girls. I haven't been this drawn to someone since we lived with Justin Bieber last year" Niall says as he corners Edward. Unlike the time with Harry, Edward is not scared. He likes Niall a lot too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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