Over Again

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The sound of their intensely british (and one irish) accent rang throughout the house. Edward looked at the five devilishly handsome boys who had just walked in the room.

"Ello love, my name is Louis. These here are my band mates. We're kind of a big deal, don't know if you've heard of us or not" a boy with medium length brown hair said quite loudly.

Edward had no idea who these people were. Quite frankly he was confused as to how these young boys, they must have been ranging from 18 to 21, could possibly buy someone. A boy with dark black hair stepped forward to shake Edward's hand.

"H- hello. My name is Z- Zayn" the boy stuttered. He was clearly very shy. Edward noticed that Zayn was nervously pulling on his gray sweater. His whole demeanor was different from the first boy, Louis. A blonde boy put his hand of Zayn's shoulder and moved forward. The blonde pulled Edward into an awkward hug.

"Hi, I'm Niall. I'm so excited to meet you! I know on the surface this looks like we bought you, but I hope we can become good friends. I have a present waiting for back at home." He smiled and stepped back, looking very happy.

Next to move forward was a boy with brown hair and a smug face. He looked very muscular. Edward immediately reprimanded himself for noticing that about him.

"Hey babe. The name is Liam. I'm glad to finally have someone to help out around the house that doesn't look like donkey from Shrek" he says smugly. Edward didn't know if that was a compliment or not.

There was a pause, and with an annoyed sigh the final boy looked Edward's way. He had long brown hair and a lot of tattoos. Edward was fascinated by him, but his trance was quickly broken when the boy spoke.

"Sup bitch. Just so you know, I don't care about you or your feelings. It would be in your best interest to stay out of my way at the house. My name is Harry by the way. Not that you'll use it much" Harry stated. Edward was shocked. The audacity on this strikingly attractive boy.

"You all seem nice and all, but I still don't know who you are, why you bought me, and where we are going" Edward was exhausted already. If these boys thought they could come in, buy him, and not at least offer him an outfit like Edwards's idol, Kyle from Shrek 2, then they were absolutely wrong.

"Your mother put you on craigslist, and we were looking for a new pet, and well you seemed perfect. The best part is that you can actually help us instead of just running around and needing us to feed you all the time" Louis said.

Edward's mind was racing. On the one hand, Edward had gotten used to life at Kanye's. Yes it sucked, but he had a roof over his head and weed on the table in the morning. On the other hand, these boys were all really attractive, and Edward was starting to realize that he has an inner thot persona. But what did helping them entail? They said they were a band, so he assumed helping with food and music stuff. Was he really ready to go from a shy school boy to a thotty slave for One Direction? He made his decision.

"Ok, even though I don't think I even had a choice, i'll go with you. I'm just going to warn you that i've never really been sold to someone before. You'll have to show me the ropes" Edward said confidently.

Harry stepped forward looking annoyed.

"You think we, the famous One Direction has ever been sold to anyone? Who do you think you're talking to bitch? If you mess up in my presence it won't be pretty. Remember that. I'm going to the car" Harry said coldly. With that he made his way out the door. Edward was becoming a little nervous. How could Kanye do this to him?

"He's just stressed. Harry really is a good guy once you get to know him. I'll help you out as much as I can this first week" Louis said with a smile.

"Me too! If you need anything just ask" Niall chimed in.

With that the boys started heading out the door.

"Grab your stuff, and say goodbye to your mom. I wasn't going to say this, but damn is she hot. What a woman" Liam said as he left. Zayn shook his head and followed out.

Edward grabbed his stuff and took one last look at his room. He wouldn't admit it, but he would miss his secret dance parties when Kanye was at the club late. He made his way down the stairs and made eye contact with Kanye. She glared at him, clearly happy he was leaving. Just then, Liam came up to Kanye and put his arm up on the wall.

"So, you come here often?" he asked in a seductive tone. Edward shook his head trying to get that image out of his head and walked out the door. He was met with a big limousine with Jojo Siwa's face all over it. Zayn came over and grabbed his bag and put it in the back.

"Do your servants usually ride in the limousine with you?" Edward asked.

"Not usually, but I personally think you're special. You're not a typical cook or maid. You'll be following us around and such. Helping with songs and stuff when we need it. Just a word of advice, Harry is already in there. Just sit next to me and you'll be fine" Niall told him reassuringly. Edward nodded and followed Niall into the Jojo Siwa limo. It was just them and harry in the very back with sunglasses on and his headphones in.

The other boys soon filed in, Liam being last.

"What music do you like Edward?" Louis asked.

Edward thought about this. In his personal opinion his music taste was different from other boys. He could suggest the Cats soundtrack, but they may not understand the intense lore behind that masterpiece. Celine Dion was out of the question.

"I do love this one band. Alvin and the Chipmunks are just so talented" Edward said. Harry scoffed and turned his music up.

"Aw dude no way. I love the Chipmunks too. They are big heroes for us. I'm on it" Louis said. He hit Zayn on the arm, and Zayn pulled up a playlist and played it.

There was in fact a god, as the first song that played was Witch Doctor. Edward started tapping his foot. Niall looked over and noticed how Edward wanted to dance.

"Come on now, you can't be shy. We are your new owners after all" Niall said, laughing. Zayn turned it up, and all the boys except Harry started dancing and singing along. Liam had dance moves like a dad on the dance floor, Louis was actually really good, Zayn seemed shy but still moved to the beat and sang, Niall was good too, and he tried to get Edward to join in. Before too long Edward caved and was singing and dancing with the members of One Direction to Witch Doctor by the Chipmunks.

Edward hadn't felt this happy since his birthday night with Timothée. He wouldn't admit it, but in some weird way he found this better.

In no time they had reached their destination. The door opened and the boys piled out. Edward was last, as Niall had said he wanted to see his reaction to the house. Edward slowly stepped out of the limo. What he saw shocked him.

He looked up at a giant mansion. Modern in design, and huge. He noticed a giant flag with Lego Batman on it over the giant door.

"Welcome home Edward"

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