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I wake up and I find myself in a strange bed and I notice that I have a tube connected in my nose and another two tube connected, one in my heart and another in my hand. I find I am not alone; Joe seat in a chair next to me but his upper body is lying on the bed. He probably fell asleep waiting for me. I reach my hand out, touch his hair and feel it familiar smoothness.

"What are you doing" Joe says without opening his eyes.

"Nothing" I say quickly pulling my hand away. 

He catches my hand and then he says:

“I like it, so don't stop" he says

I don't know why but I do what he says. After about 5 minutes I start to sob and think how long I can still live, how much I would miss the little park in the back of the hospital, how many things I would regret and the thing I would miss the most, Joe.

"Why are crying?" he ask now with his grey eyes wide open and a little worried.

That makes me cry more because it makes me feel so bad. I would die and he is still so concerned about me. Doesn’t he realize how much pain he will suffer after I die? He suddenly stands up and embraces me.

"I know you are scare, anybody would be scare if ..." he says. 

I warp my arm around his body and I let myself enjoy this kind of moment, the ones that I never let myself enjoy because it would hurt too much later. I stop crying and fall asleep, in the arms of an angel.

Edited* by me so :P you know there would be errors...

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