Chapter 26

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[Cutthroat's P.O.V]

I dodged another spray of bullets, rolling forward towards the man. I swept my leg under his feet, breaking his balance, then sinking my knife in his chest as he fell down to the ground.

I pull out the knife, blood dripping from the blade as my other companions took care of the other soldiers.

Flames still burnt everywhere around the fortress.The bombs we placed executed perfectly. And just in time, I heard that Alpha Unit has broken in, and is already heading towards the main tower.

I look up, and gazed at the tall skyscraper in the midst of all the destruction. Why hasn't Drago made a move yet? Something isn't right. Plus, Night Fury still isn't here...

"Sir! Incoming!!!" I hear one of ours shouted.

I turn around, as an entirely new battalion of Drago's men appeared behind us, armed with RPGs and MLs. With one click of a trigger, rockets and bombs spilled out of the canisters and zoomed towards us.

My eyes widened as we jumped out of the way, taking cover behind a half-crumbled barrack. A flash sparked, and flames burst out of the shells, incinerating the ground where we used to stand.

"Zen, we can't stay here for long. We need to regroup and join the Alpha Unit." I tell the agent beside me.

She nodded, "I'll send a flare up, sir. But we need a clear ground. And we don't have the firepower to deal with them."

As if the gods heard us, a honk got our attention, along with the enemy battalion. All of a sudden, an armoured jeep burst out of the wall of a garrison, sending broken concrete and glass everywhere as they drove recklessly towards the enemy battalion. Shouts can be heard from the jeep, as a large man fired a large gatling gun, spraying what seems to be little spears, from the back of the jeep. It rolled by past us, as their shouts continued to grow.

"Shawn! Aim for them!"

"I am aiming for them!"

"Like hell, you are!"

"Let me and Kai handle this!"

I didn't get a good look at the driver, because I was too focused on the two persons who poked out their upper body out of the jeep, each holding a M134 Minigun and aimed it at the enemy battalion. Drago's men seems to be caught off guard, as the two men fired rounds and rounds of projectiles straight at them, peppering their bodies with bullets. The guy on the back must've got the hang of it, and joined his two companions in shooting Drago's men with a barrage of tiny spears.

I, along with the rest of my companions, stared dumbfounded at the chaos happening right in front of us. It's not everyday you see a weaponized jeep barreling through ranks of soldiers to save us. The jeep continued to bombard its way towards Drago's men, successfully hitting and breaking through the front lines and ceaselessly running over everyone in its path. The two men laughed with glee as they gun down Drago's men with their Miniguns.

That's when I saw two other men, popped out from the back seats, holding their own set of firearms. They locked and loaded their weapons and released hell, taking down more of Drago's men. I don't know if I saw it right but I swore one of them had the insignia of Drago, accompanied by the uniform; a black combat vest, a red scarf around their neck, and a black tactical helmet with the symbol of Drago imprinted on their vest.

I don't know what's going with them, but they seem to be friendly... for now.

The two other men holding the Miniguns, dropped what they're holding on the ground. The guns must've overheated or was out of ammo. But my eyes widened as they grabbed something from the back and then came, raising it in the air.

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