Chapter 12

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As soon as I sit on my respective chair, Nathan moved Travis' chair that was in front of me. He moved it towards me to meet me at the right angle. I was suprised by it. "That's.. Travis' sit." I said. "Yeah, I'm just gonna move later. Besides, he isn't still here." He answered with a smile.

"Why are you here by the way?" I asked.

"To study." Exactly.

"I mean.. why are you suddenly here all of a sudden? Aren't you suppose to study in your respective school?"

"Like I said, I just transferred here. James wanted me to transfer, so I did. Especially you. You're here." he answered and I just nod and smile. I'm sure he's here just for James. Aww, I like bromance too, just kidding.

While me and Nathan are both having a random chitchat, I notice Travis' presence on the door, standing still while looking at us with a serious glance. I quickly stood up with a big, bright grin and walked near to Travis.

"Hey, Travis--" I paused when he suddenly walked pass me. My smile disappeared and sigh. I decided to stand next to Travis and signaled Nathan to fix the chair and leave. Nathan followed my instruction with a lazy action while heading back to his right sit which is on the corner right. Travis sat on his chair as I did the same too.

"So, Travis.. thanks for bringing me to the clinic--"

"I told you it wasn't me." He said coldly as he cut me off. My smile disappeared.. again. I'm sure it was him! I couldn't stop myself from thinking it's really him who brought me to the clinic that day. I'm sure I'm not mistaken.

"D-do you might well know who it was?"

"No." He answered quickly as if he was annoyed by my questions. I sighed heavily and place my head on the table. All this travis-being-cold is making me really sad! I shouldn't be like this.. I shouldn't be affected by his personality.. In fact, I should be accustomed already since he's like that towards me every single day. Can't he just be nice for me even just a second? Because.. because it's making me hurt even though I have no right to.

"Who is he?" I suddenly light up when I heard Travis ask that question. I answered back quickly as soon as possible even though he isn't looking at me and just focused on something. "He's Nathan, a new transfer here at our school." I answered with a smile. He didn't answer back. Nice! Great talking, Travis..

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