my seaweed brain

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"you then shoot it like this"I explained to the newest camper,he name was veronica and she was super shy.I was trying to teach her how to throw the arrow correctly for the 8th time.EveryTime she does she ends up hitting something (or someone) shes wasn't supposed to,and I was trying really hard not to get frustrated because i knew it would only make matters worse.I had a feeling she wasn't a cild of Apollo.

"ANNABETH!" Thalia and piper scram as they ran up to me.The hunters are taking a break a camp half-blood ,they've been doing that a lot ever since the giant war.They looked the same they always had except thalias hair was a little longer.As soon as they got her they said something in one breath I couldn't understand.I noticed some apollo campers giving us weird looks.when I asked them to repeat them self thalia looked at me and said in a much slower voice.
"Rachel's giving another prophecy." Piper nodded in conformation as I stared at them wide eyed.I was going to turn around to tell veronica i'd be back, back she was already gone.Piper grabbed my arm and took me to the beach where a bunch of campers were huddled around Rachel.

I couldn't believe it, its only been 4 years since the prophecy of the seven was accomplished and their was another one being said.I looked around trying to find the naturally wind swept hair and his sea green eyes but I couldn't find him.I noticed Jason,Hazel,Frank,and Reyna where here too.
I thought that was weird considering they always told me when they were coming. When we finally reached the beach Rachel just opened her mouth.
"I see a boy...with a ring"I looked around in confusion but some people where trying to look confused or hold back smiles.I guessed it was a prank Leo and the stolls were planning, but what confused me was why Thalia would help them.I opened my mouth to ask but before I could I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned around and saw my seaweed brain on his left knee.I knew what was happening before I even saw the ring he was holding.
"wise girl"he started off but I could help roll my eyes even though I was grinning like a lunatic."When I was taken away and had my memory erased there was one thing I remembered,and it was your name.I wondered why considering I couldn't even remember my own but it makes sense now.There is nothing in the world ,not even the gods that could make me forget you.Annabeth Chase,will you marry me?"

I bend down to his height and say:
"Of course I would,seaweed brain.Any more stupid questions?"He gives me his signature lopsided smile as he puts the ring on my finger.
I hear cheering in the backround but I didn't care,I was to busy kissing my seaweed brain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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