Thank you for being here.

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Camila suddenly hold her breath, shocked by the information she just heard from ally, she has a daughter? Not that it's a problem but the fact that she's the girl who cause allys older brother depression who push him to overdose himself with an illegal subtance and found dead in his bathroom, she knows how his death affected allys family, she swallowed hard and found her voice to speak.

" Ally I-uhm, I don't know how to say this, and I know how hard it is for you to talk about will, but how sure are you that she's the girl who will got pregnant 4 years ago?" She tried to relax herself not wanting carla to think that she's deffending Ms, Jauregui.

"well when I saw her yesterday I thought she look so familiar but I ignore it cause maybe I just saw her in some magazine, but when she introduce herself and heard her last name it rings a bell in my head, she has the same last name that my brother used to tell me before that he would like to replaced by our own, so after our class with her yesterday I called mom immidiately and yes she confirmed that Jauregui is the last name of wills ex-girlfriend," ally said without blinking.

"Ohh, uhm ally I think we should, you know think about it first maybe I can take you at your house for now and look for some informations in your brothers room, for sure he has some pictures of his ex-girlfriend, since as you mention before you guys haven't touch wills room when he past away 2 years ago" she gave ally a warm smile and leads her towards the school parking lot already decided to ditch school for today.

She parked at allys driveway looking around her friends house relieved that allys parents are still out of town, don't feel like having her friends parents ask them why they aren't at school at this time of the day, she looked over at her ally who hasn't move to exit her car.

"Hey, if you dont feel like doing it now, we can jus--" before she can continue ally cut her off.

"I'm fine, I can do this, I have to." She inhale deeply and give camila a reassuring look.

Camila just nodded and tap her shoulder lightly, they exited the car and go directly in allys room where they settle their things and when camila is sure that ally already gathered her strenght she took allys hand giving it a little squeeze to assure her that she is with her. They walked hand in hand to the room right acroos allys which she's sure wills room,

Ally stop for a few second before pushing the key to her brothers room, they entered the room and the first thing she notice is the curtain being open giving the room a light that the sun is producing, taking how her brothers old guitar being hung on the right above his bedside table she can't help but reminisce how will used to teach her how to play it or those random times he sung for their family. She didn't realised her tears are running down her face until camila place her hand to her shoulder and pull her into her arms giving her a warm hug, she let her tears fall down on camilas shirt feeling overwhelmed by her emotions.

Camila saw how ally bring out all her emotions just by crying in her arms, when she felt that ally already sobbing she looked down to meet her eyes they are still damped with tears.

"I'm sorry about that mila, but thank you for being here." Looking at camilas eyes she gave her a reassuring smile, "ill go check his drawers maybe you can start with his laptop he dont use passwords, so you can just check if he saved any photos of her ex-girlfriend.

Camila just noded her head and gave a warm smile, she took wills laptop from his bedside table and sat on the edge of his bed, she started to look on some folders when she heard ally gasped followed by the sound of shuttered glass.

Hope your enjoying, but again this is unedited so I'm sorry for the wrong grammar, spelling and typo errors, by English is not my mother tongue but I'm trying my best so please just try to understand, thank you!

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