Your eyes are more beautiful.

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After her parents drop her off at her apartment Camila spent no time in relaxing she go straight to her closet and look for something nice to wear since Lauren is going to pick her up tonight to celebrate with her.

She's sure that Lauren is not going to take her to a restaurant since she received a Text message from her a couple of minutes ago to just wear something comfortable and bring her over night bag, biting her lip she look pack a couple of shirt, shorts abs jeans in her bags and all her necessities she also pack some of her lingerie just in case, smiling that then decided to take a long warm bath thinking Lauren won't be here for over an hour.

Relaxing under a warm bath Camila can't help but to worry remembering how Lauren said that they are going to take it slow, it's been 2 weeks since she and Lauren spoke about their relationship, because of the accident she wasn't able to go to school and finished the last two weeks of school good thing she already finish all of the project and work that she needs to passed to her professor so she just she just attended the graduation day, all those days that she spent in the hospital and also in her apartment doing nothing she notice how Lauren took care of her, but all those days that they spent together Lauren always avoided to talked about their relationship yes they sleep together on one bed but aside from cuddle and a peck on the lips Lauren didn't make any move, sighing Camila let her body be fully submerge in the water her anxiety is not helping her, what If Lauren is just pitying her, what If Lauren still haven't forgiven her and just being nice but why would Lauren said that they'll celebrate tonight? What If tonight is the night where Lauren is going to tell her to let her go now that she's fully healed from the accident, losing all her air in under the water she sat up and inhale deeply, she then felt a rush of hot liquid running down her cheeks, yes she's crying just thinking that Lauren is going to leave her is making her die in the inside.

She snapped out of her thought when she heard her phone ring, she immediately step out of the tub and dry her hand before answering the phone and put it on loud speaker,

"Hello?" Camila spoke.

"Hi camz, where are you? I'm on my way now, I'll just change and take some of my stuff in my apartment then I'll pick you up." Lauren spoke on the other line.

"Uh yeah I'm in my room I'm actually taking a bath," Camila spoke still feeling unsure if she want to see Lauren tonight with all the negative things that running in her mind.

"Oh great I'll be there in a few minutes, I hope you don't forget to pack your  bag." Lauren spoke feeling excited.

"Of course not, I'll see you in a few I guess." She spoke confused hearing the hint of excitement in Lauren's voice.

"Yeah I'll see you." Lauren spoke before hunging up.

Breathing heavily she look at her phone in her hand maybe she's just imagining things but the excitement in Lauren's voice is now clearer before she hung up, she snapped herself out of her thoughts and decided to have a quick shower after a few minutes she decided to wear a casual jeans and shirt she grab her bag and decided to wait for Lauren in the living room she's tying her shoes when she heard a knock, she hurriedly finished trying her shoes and walk towards the door, opening the door she frown when she saw nothing but a bouquet of flowers, she hesitantly remove took the flower out of her face but then her eyes widen when a smiling Lauren appeared, not knowing what to do she took the flower completely out of Lauren's hand and just stare at the emerald eyes she fell in love with the first time she saw them.

"I guess the flowers are not that pretty that you just ignored them," Lauren's spoke looking at her with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Camila snapped out of her thought and put the flowers in her chest and mindlessly smell it, she curse herself for always being lost in Lauren's eyes, "I'm sorry they are beautiful, it's just your eyes are more beautiful." Blushing she look Keep her eyes on the flowers.

" I always thought you only love my eyes and nothing more," Lauren spoke and while chuckling.

"No I Uhm I mean I love your eyes but it's not uh-" bitting her lips she stop speaking knowing she's just making herself more embarrass.

"I know what you means camz," Lauren look at her and smile widely, "are you ready?"

"Uh yes, I'll just get my bag." Running inside her apartment she took her bag but stop in the middle when she notice the flowers in her hand, she then saw Lauren still standing in the door frame, walking towards Lauren she smile noticing how Lauren pull off a simple t-shirt and a denim short her smile widen noticing that Lauren wear the same snickers she's wearing well they both know that you can never go wrong with a white converse.

"Uhm do you mind if I put the flowers first in the vase?" She ask Lauren shyly.

"Of course camz take your time I'll just be here," Lauren smile and nodded her head at her.

"You do know you can come in while I arrange the flowers, right?" She spoke and gesture Lauren to seat on the couch, she getting nervous seeing Lauren hesitantly walked inside her apartment Lauren has been in her apartment so many times she don't know why Lauren is acting like she's afraid of getting inside her apartment now.

When she saw Lauren sitting on the couch she walked towards the kitchen and started to put the flowers on the vase, her nervousness is making her hard to think what do Lauren mean by giving her flowers and by taking her somewhere, maybe her the negative thoughts that she had earlier is the complete opposite of what Lauren is going to do, she smile knowing that maybe Lauren is now ready to give themselves another try.

After making sure that the flowers is nicely place in a vase she walked out of the kitchen she saw Lauren checking something in her phone, she cleared her throat and smile when Lauren stand up and walk towards her.

"Ready?" Lauren ask with a wide smile on her face.

"Yes, let's go?" She answers feeling positive that her negative thought is all wrong.

After making sure that her apartment is securely locked she walk beside Lauren who's just looking at her with a smile on her face, she let Lauren open the car door for her she send her a small smile before closing the door after she position herself on the passenger seat, Lauren sat on the drivers seat making sure she wear seatbelt and started the car but before stepping on the gas Lauren look at her and smile.

"It's gonna an hour drive so might wanna take a nap." Lauren spoke smiling at her.

"Don't worry I don't think I can even close my eyes while on the road the memory of me being in a car accident is still fresh in my head." She look at Lauren and chuckled.

Lauren look at her worried, "you know I'll always keep you safe, right?"

"It's just a joke Lo, I know I'm safe whenever I'm with you." She spoke while giving Lauren a genuine smile.

"Good, I want you to always keep that in mind camz." Lauren spoke and give her one last smile before pulling out of the parking.

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