This are beautiful.

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Walking back inside Lauren's apartment Camila felt something bad is going to happen, sighing she took the coffee that Lauren prepared at her apartment she transferred it to a coffee tumbler so she and Lauren can bring it at school together with the sandwich, she smile when she saw Lauren walked out of the bedroom with her usual formal attire.

"Who was it?" Asking Camila while checking herself one more time in the mirror.

"Uhm ally, she just dropped by to say that she's not gonna be at school today." Feeling guilty remembering where ally is going she look down and pretend to check her bag.

"Oh is she okay?" Concern about ally she look at Camila.

"Yeah she's fine, anyways are you ready?" Handing Lauren her coffee tumbler and the sandwich she ask.

"Yup, let's go" she smile at Camila then grab her keys on the counter she follow Camila outside then lock her door.

Stopping in front of Camila's car she look around first before pulling Camila in her arms and kiss her softly for a few seconds, "I'll see you after class, I love you."

"I love you too baby." Smiling she stand on her toes and peck Lauren's lips for the last time before getting inside her car.

She watch as Camila drive out of the parking lot before getting in her car to drive off as well keeping a safe distance from Camila, thinking what Normani told her earlier she sigh, knowing that Will's family is now looking for Emily makes her anxious she know that they also have the right to have Emily in their lives especially now that Will is no longer around Emily is the leaving memory of Will.

Parking a few space away from Camila's car she inhale deeply she already decided to tell Camila everything tonight before setting up a meeting to meet Will's family, grabbing her bag she move out of the car then lock it before walking inside the building she look at Camila who's now talking with Dinah and shawn on the school building double door, walking pass them she smile then nod slightly acknowledging the smile they send her way. She walk straight to her classroom and putting all her stuff on the table she look around and notice everyone is now sitting on their chairs including Camila and her friends who just walk in right after her.

Smiling she stand in front of the class, "I guess everyone's excited since it is now the last month of you being here and after this your all gonna have to face the whole world, reaching for your dream jobs building your own career," looking at her students she saw nothing but pure happiness and excitement in their faces, she tried so hard not to focus her eyes in Camila who's staring at her with a smile on her lips. "So let's all enjoy your last month as a student, I'll just give you one more essay project that I know your all are good at, I wanted your essay to be all about the things you'll never forget that happened here in this school, you can start now cause next week I'll have each one of you to read it out loud here in the front. " Smiling she sat on her desk and do her daily paper checking and reports.

Nudging Camila on the side she chuckle and spoke, "Hey walz, I think I already know what your essay is going to be all about."

Rolling her eyes at Dinah she look down on her notebook to hide her smile she know who Dinah is talking about, Lauren is the only thing she has in her mind right now.

"Yeah I think I also know who's  Dinah is talking about," laughing Shawn raise his hand to high five Dinah who's also chuckling at Camila.

"You guys shut up, okay." Feeling her face turning bright red from Dinah and Shawn's teasing she put her notebook up then cover her face, but then look up when she heard Lauren's raspy voice.

"Is there any problem Miss, Cabello?" Seeing Camila hiding her face Lauren ask.

"I yeah I'm fine." Looking straight in Lauren's eyes she put her notebook down.

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