Part 8: Deathly Love

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(Authors Note: if you are reading this whole story in one go at like 3 in the morning and you have school or work in the morning then you will probably feel at least a little emotional during this chapter, also due to such, this chapters is slightly shorter than others, only being 1884 words instead of the 2000 planned.)

*Suicide Attempt Trigger Warning*

I woke up and sat up in my bag. Everyone else was still sleeping. Usually I was the last one up, but something was bothering me. Something was wrong, I could feel it. I dont know what it was though. I looked around room and checked my phone. It was about 5 in the morning. I didnt sleep much. I had one message though, from Todoroki. I looked over to where he once slept. He was no longer there. I opened his message.

Todoroki: I'm sorry Izuku
Todoroki: I know my actions were wrong and I apologize.
Todoroki: But it's over now. You wont have to worry about it.
Todoroki: You wont have to worry about me...

That last sentence played in my head. You wont have to worry about me. What the hell does that mean !? How long ago was this? I checked the times sent. It was about 5 minutes ago. Where the hell was he!? I checked in every single room in the house. He wasnt here. He must've taken my blanket with him though, as it was also gone. I opened my phone back up.

Midoriya: Where are you?

No answer...

Midoriya: Come on Todo, WHERE ARE YOU?

Again, no answer.
I grabbed my phone and check his last known location. It was at the house, damn it. I had to go after him. I shoved my phone in my pocket, leaving my location on incase anything happened. Think, Izuku. Where would he be? I ran out the door. And then it hit me. You wont have to worry about me. Damn it Todoroki, you better be okay. I ran all the way to the hillside next to the beach. It must have been a like 50 foot drop but had a beautiful view. He likes sunrises. He used to watch them with his mom, so they brought happiness to him. It was probably the last thing he wanted to see before he died.

Go damn it! I used 10 percent of my power and went as fast as I possible could to the top of the hill. There, I saw Todoroki with the blanket wrapped around him. He turned around, tears flowing drastically. Before I could anything he stepped backwards off the cliff, all while realizing I was right there. I launched forward with all my strength and reached out off the cliff, holding on barely to his shirt collar. "Midoriya.." he looked up at me, distress written all over his face. I've never seen him so full of pain.

"Just hold on Todoroki! I-I wont let you go!" My vision was a blur as I used now 15 percent of my strength to make sure he was lifted all the way up. I managed to lift him up and pushed him a few feet back standing on his feet before I threw myself at him, holding onto him with everything I had left. "Don't you ever try to leave me again. Please." I cried into his shoulder as he did me.

After a few minutes I managed to be able to hold myself up though I shakily was standing. Shoto walked back over to the edge and stood a few feet away from it. "Please dont," I called out in a low voice. "I'm not afraid anymore!" he yelled out. "What makes you sure you're all I need?! Forget about it..." "I-I-" I couldn't speak. I couldn't find the words. "And when you walk out the door a-and leave me torn, you're teaching me to live without it."
"W-without what Shoto?" "Love..."

I took a few steps closer to him and he took one back. I fell to my knees and fell apart. Why was he doing this? Why? Was this my fault? It definitely was. I cant do this! "W-why are you doing this!?!" I called out to him. "I ruin everything and everyone I care about," he said softly. "Wh-" "I loved my mother. I thought I was doing everything right and always defended her to my father. Even still, she couldn't stand me. She pour scorching water all over my face without thinking twice. I WAS A CHILD! That is when she got sent off and I built a barrier. I promised to use only my left side from then out. Maybe then my mother would love me." I hated to see him like this.

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