Part 10: Shopping

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(Author's Note: This chapter will probably be the longer than usual as I have the most time and motivation to work on this one as well as the next, though the next chapter will be even longer. This chapter comes to a total of 3,503 words. Anyways, enjoy :) )

"Clubbing sounds great! I- oh hi Midoriya, you didn't hear anything I just said, right?" Hagakure said. I just shook my head, "not a word." She sighed and pretended to wipe her forehead. "Ah, who cares, I think we should tell hi-" Kaminari spoke, but was cut off by Jiro, "how did the talk go?" They all leaned in a little, a bit too interested in the tea. "We talked and we are on good terms, if that is what you want to know," Todoroki said. They still leaned in. "They arent dating yet," Kacchan said. "Dang it!" Kirishima said.

"Okay well, that wont ruin the plans. So we know-" Yaoyorozu tried to speak, when there was a knock on the door. Who could that be? She excused herself and opened it, revealing Mina. Oh! I didn't know she would be coming over. Behind her was Sero, who also decided to come over I guess. Yaoyorozu dragged over another couch in between Aoyama's and Kirishima's. Mina sat with Aoyama and Kaminari sat with Sero on the new couch. "These two have decided to join in to the rest of the sleepover. Now, can I speak without getting interrupted?" Yaoyorozu said, seemingly slightly frustrated.

"We should update them on all they've missed, should we not, Momo?" Hagakure asked. Yaoyorozu took a deep breath and calmed down. "Seems alright, but quickly so we can get in with what I was trying to say. Bakugo, you explain." "What? Why me?" He asked. Yaoyorozu rolled her eyes, "fine, Kaminari, you explain. Just quickly." Kaminari turned towards the two.

"Okay so to sum the sleepover up, we ate really good food, played truth or dare and spin the bottle, watches movies, Kirishima told us he was dating Bakugo, then we-" "Wait, what! Dude!" Sero interrupted, smiling at the two. Kirishima smiled slightly with a brush of pink on his cheeks. Bakugo looked away with his arms cross, but with the same pink on his face.

"Yep! Anyway uhh what else... oh yeah! So Todoroki admitted his love for Midoriya nothing new there besides the fact that he finally admitted it, uhhh Midoriya didnt know he was a huge gay bean so Todoroki gave him time to figure out his feelings, Todoroki then got drunk and was all over Midoriya which caused Midoriya to snap at him and run out, then he, Uraraka, Iida, Bakugo and I had to fight Toga until she left with a little of Uraraka's blood, we came back and then while we were sleeping Todoroki tried to jump off a cliff and Midoriya saved him and it was very emotional, then the two made up just earlier today, yet arent dating yet. That's basically the sum of it. Oh! Also I'll send you the pictures later." The two were kinda stunned at all the chaos but just nodded in understandment.

Yaoyorozu finally got to talk, "yes, it was a wild ride. Anywho, now I can finally say the gameplan for today. As we all know, today is Midoriya's birthday!" "Happy Birthday!" They said in unison, except for Todoroki and Bakugo. "Oh, right! Happy birthday," Todoroki said with a smile. "Yeah, what they said, nerd," Bakugo said. "Thanks guys!" I responded. They had a gameplan and all hell was probably going to freeze over. I hoped not.

"Okay, so the gameplan. For your birthday, we are going clubbing!!! I know, I know, it may seem a bit out there, but we voted and majority won. Iida and I will be there chaperoning just incase so we will not drink. Also, dont worry about your ages. Jiro's cousin owns the place and says he doesnt care to let us in as long as we pay an entrance fee of $10 each. I'll take care of the costs. We also will be staying at the hotel next door just incase anything crazy happens or you all get too drunk. There will be 1-3 to a room. I have written down the pairings based on relationship." This was crazy.

"So first we have Uraka and Su. Then, Bakugo and Kirishima. Jiro, Mina, and Hagakure will be sharing one. Sero and Kaminari. Midoriya and Todoroki. Aoyama will be getting his own as he prefers. I also will be getting my own, as I'm paying. Iida is a chaperone so he will get his own. I believe that is everyone, so without further a due, we shall first go to the mall and buy clothes for the club. Then, whoever finishes first will go to the store and pick up the cake. We will all meet back at the house after we buy the clothes." Cake?

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