Part 17: The Festival

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We all eventually finished hanging out at the beach and decided to cut the beach trip short so we could go to a hotel and take showers before the festival. The hotel was midway between the beach and the festival. There was a few hotels on this road alone due to it being near the boardwalk, the beach, and a yearly festival as well as other activities. We decided to allow 3 people to a room seeing as there were a bed and a couch in each room. Todoroki and I shared a room with Sero. Sero took his shower first.

"Hey, why dont we save time and shower together?" Todoroki said with a wink. I playfully pushed him, "in your dreams." He laughed, "you betcha." I playfully pushed him again as Sero came out and after much debate Todoroki took his next. "So, are you the Todoroki official yet?" I shrugged, "I think so but neither of us have directly asked each other out." "Well, you two are definitely more than just friends," he said with a laugh. I smiled, "oh definitely."

We watch tv for a few before I had to take my quick shower. It was great being able to wash all the sand out of my hair and off my legs and everything. Sand was everywhere. Well, down the drain you go! When I finished the shower I met the two out in the room.

"Hey! Put a shirt on!" Sero teased. I winked at him and then grabbed a shirt from my bag. "Oh, you're wearing that shirt?" Todoroki asked, smiling like a dork. I nodded. "Iida messaged the chat saying that he and a few others are waiting by the car and said it would be best to just walk to the festival as a group." I nodded. "I'm going to meet up with Kaminari and Mina. I'll catch you guys later!" he waved and left, closing the door behind him.

I rubbed my hair with a towel real quick before sliding on some shoes. I was wearing a light purple crop top with light blue jean shorts that went down to my knees and were cuffed slightly and white slip on vans. I also attached a pink and purple flower crown to my hair. Mina and I had seen it earlier and decided to buy matching ones. I didnt really wear flower crowns like ever, but hey we were going to a festival and I wanted to have fun and step out of my comfort zone a bit. Mina had texted me to meet her in the room next over and I agreed, telling Todoroki to wait for me outside by the front of the building.

As I entered Mina had Uraraka and Asui sharing a room with her and she was currently putting a bit of neutral pinkish lipstick on Uraraka. "Midoriya! Come, sit! You look great!" My whole outfit was her idea. I sat on the couch and Mina brought a whole makeup bag over. Uraraka smiled, "wow, you look nice!" I smiled back, "you do too!" Mina grabbed my face to make me face her, "stop talking and dont move." She lifted a brush to my face, "WOAH! Are you gonna put makeup on me?" She giggled. "Yes but just a little so don't move or you'll mess it up." I knew that even if I tried to protest that Mina would win so I found it pointless wasting time and let her do what she wanted.

She put on a neutral shade of lipstick, a different one than Uraraka's, a bit of highlight, and mascara. She also played with my hair a little bit to make the crown fit better. She was wearing a light purple crop top, similar to mine except hers was skin tight and tied in the back and had a cute design made from the string used to tie it on the back. She had on white jean shorts and tan sandals on. She also wore the matching flower crown and her makeup was amazing.

"There, all done!" She held a mirror to my face. "Wow! Thank you!" She smiled and took out her phone, "no problem. Let's take a few pictures!" We took a few pictures of just us two in the bathroom mirror and then Uraraka and Asui joined. We were all giggling like a bunch of school girls and I was genuinely having fun despite stepping out of my comfort zone. "Well, we should probably head to the festival before we miss everything," Asui said. I nodded and we left the room, Asui having the room key in her front pocket.

We went outside and there was Todoroki, waiting for me like I told him to. I walked up to him and he smiled, "are you wearing make up?" I turned red and covered my face. He laughed, "I'm teasing, you look good." I laughed as he took my hand in his. "Wait," Mina began,"stay there. I want to take a picture of the two of you!" "Alright, just quick," Todoroki responded. He held my hand and I leaned towards him, smiling a cheesy smile at the camera as he gave a small simple smile. "Say cheese!" Mina said. We didn't say cheese but she took a few pictures. "Can I see?" I asked. She sent me the pictures, as well as the ones from before. With the plain background in the back and the parking lot ground, we actually looked really nice together. We looked like a perfect couple.

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