Chapter 11

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Bristol's P.O.V.

I watch Calum as he heads to the stairs Marj just went up. I was gonna go after her but he kind of just volunteered himself and went.

Everything's been pretty chaotic today. Kat brought a new person, Michael, to our table, Raya has a crazy idea that we should set Cal up, and Marj stormed off angrier than hell, which is unlike her.

I kind of laugh to myself because I'm just sitting here chilling eating my sandwich. But then I realize this is exactly what I'm trying to run from. Everyone's doing something and here I am boring as hell. Drama free? Yes. Average? Yes. Exciting? No.

I mean not that I want to cause a scene or seem like I'm going crazy too, it's just...I don't know what it is.

I decide to take my mind off of my problems and focus on other ones.

"So what exactly did you say?" I whisper to Raya so Kat doesn't hear. Not that she will, Michael and her are talking right now and it must be funny because they're both laughing.

Did he want to sit here because he likes her? Probably. The question is does she like him? I never know with her.

I shift my attention away from them and back to Raya.

"I was just saying that I was thinking we should set up Cal because he's sweet and deserves it and he's been single for a while and that you liked the idea. But honestly she seemed kind of upset and tense before I even brought it up" she explains her face falling slightly.

"Hey, it's ok. Marj has been having a rough time lately. She's probably still missing Jill" I try to reassure Raya but I feel like it won't help. It seems like Marj and her having been distancing farther apart lately. Though I have no idea why.

"Yeah" she says completely glum with her face tilted downwards to the table. She's upset but not too upset to eat because she grabs her chip bag and finishes it off.

"Maybe I should try and hang out with her or like text her and see what's up. I don't know why but I feel like she has been upset with me lately and I wanna know why. Don't you think she has?" She looks at me with a sad look in her multicolored eyes. They're usually a bluish green with specks of other colors but right now they're grayish with blue.

I know she wants the truth and the truth hurts.

"Yeah I do" I mumble, equally sad and her face completely drops. I turn away a bit because seeing her look this way makes me sad. And just thinking of two of my best friends not getting along gets to me.

"Fuck. What did I do?" She whispers to herself probably thinking I couldn't hear but I can, and it nearly brings a tear to my eye. I hate that they seem to be having a fall out.

Ugh I can't think about this.

I look to the clock. Six minutes.

I'm so excited to see Luke. Ha, Luke. I just like saying his name in my head now that I know his name. Is that weird?

Oh my God. Calum's not here to walk with me to the stairs. Maybe I won't go that way then, maybe I'll go the other way. Or maybe I'll go alone. It won't be that bad right? Oh my God I don't know. I'm such a baby.

Five minutes. I can't think about this either.

"So next band practice?" I say casually trying to ease my mind changing subjects. "I can't today I have work and I know you do too Kat, so maybe tomorrow?"

Work actually sounded nice right now. I didn't really mind my job at the movie theater, for the most part everyone was nice and it wasn't that bad. The best part was just obviously getting paid and having cash when you needed it.

"Yeah that works for me, and I guess I'll text Marj later about it" she says picking at her chipping black nail polish.

"Actually can I text her Kat?" Raya says lifting her head.

"Yeah sure" Kat agrees now taking a sip of her white milk.

"You're in a band?" Michael asks curiously looking at Kat who almost spits out her milk.

I think we all momentarily forgot he was here.

"Umm...yeah" she hesitates looking at Raya and me nervously. Kat looking nervous? That rarely happens.

"Cool" he says with a grin that makes it hard for me to tell if he really finds it cool or just takes it as a joke.

I kinda know Michael, he's in my art class, we've never really talked but I didn't know that he knew Kat and Cal. He seems pretty nice, he's a shitty artist, just being honest here, but he's always nice and cheery in class cracking people up. That's really all that matters right?

I hear the bell ring and it takes me out of my thoughts and into reality. The reality that I'm not prepared to decide which way to go. Alone or with everyone else?

What would Kat do? Seems to always be my way of deciding things lately. Kat would go alone. But did I want to go alone? Did I want to make my decisions based on what Kat, or anyone else, would do? Do I want to be the type of girl that can't make her own decisions and has to constantly think over everything before coming to a conclusion?

No, I don't. So I make the decision for myself.

"Bye guys, see you later" I wave at the three of them as I head to the staircase where Luke will be.

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