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So uhm.....i like it a lot when Lila steels all Marinette's friends except for Kim, Alix, Nino and Chloe and then you have some people who are natural. Also Alya will be seen as a nasty person who thinks she is still Best friends with Marinette.

Marinette's POV:

I was sitting in one of my favorite cafe's drinking a hot chocolate wering some comfortable chlothes.

I was sitting in one of my favorite cafe's drinking a hot chocolate wering some comfortable chlothes

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I was drawing some designs when the door opens and I looked up. Wrong move because that turned my nice day completely upside down. Walking through the door were Lila, Alya, Adrien and Nino.

I guess Nino saw me because he waved at me which was a wrong choice because that's the moment Lila spotted me "uhm, excuse me miss but that girl is sitting at our reserved table" she said with a sick sweet voice. The waitress looked up and smiled at me then turned around to look at Lila "I'm sorry but that is not a table that you can reserve" Lola the waitress said "but she is sitting at such a big table alone where you can sit whit at least three more person so wouldn't it be better if she moved somewhere else so more people can sit here in the dining?" She said with a little smirk while Nino looked apologizing at me and mouthed 'sorry' I looked at him and smiled "miss you're making a fuss out of nothing, so if you would follow me please to your seats" "but I want-" Lila was cut short by someone who walked to me "sorry I'm late I hope you don't mind" the guy said. I looked at him, he had black hair, blue eyes and a pretty well build body "no problem" I said while smiling. He sat down opposite of me and looked relieved "Mari what the hell!!!??" "Who is this guy and what is he doing here??!!" I looked to Alya who had a shocked face "my friend now if you would be so kind I'm trying to talk to my friend" I said with a monothome voice.

She looked a little shock but then Lila grabbed her and draged her away with Adrien folowing while glaring daggers at the guy. When everyone was away Nino walked to me "nice one, oh and before you ask I'm gonna break up with her today" "on your anniversary?" "On our anniversary" he stated while I smiled at him "tell me all the details later okay?" "Of course" he smiled and walked away. I turned to the man in front of me "thank you for earlier I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there" "my pleasure, but I didn't quite catch your name?" He said while holding his hand out "ugh... How did I forget??! My name is Marinette and those persons were my friends and ok be still is" I said "Damien and for the second part ouch" he said which made me laugh.

---------little time skip------------

Me and Damien talked for a few hours and ordered something to eat. After we were done I looked at the time "oh is it already that late better get home before my parent go insane" I said while standing up "I'm sorry but I have to leaf otherwise my parents will have my head" "it was nice meeting you Damien" "same for me, say uhm.. do you wanna grab a coffee sometime?" He asked "sure sounds like fun" I said with a smile. We switched numbers and went our separate ways.

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