school trip 2

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Marinette's POV

'this is genius. Lila is gonna be exposed' I thought because I for ones know the names of Bruce Waynes family!! (She's doing a happy dance in her mind) 'I haven't had this much fun in a while' I thought while walking up the stairs completely ignoring Lila and her possy.

I walked in the room and saw Alix and Chloe "man I love Mrs Bustier" we said together.

We unpacked and started doing our own thing. Kim and Nino came to visit us too so we're a happy bunch (of traumatized teen superheroes who were pushed into this life without any choices and are bullyd........... I think Bruce is gonna need a lot of adoption papers) normal teenagers who have a few problems with their class. But anyway, Kim and Alix were of course betting. Chloe was talking to Kagami and Luka together with Nino and I was designing some stuff.

We were just doing our stuff when randomly we heard a knock on the window. I walked to it and opened the curtains to comd face to face with........

Just wait a little longer

Just a little longer


Ah who am I kidding I'm not that mean here it is

Face to face with............. Harley quinn and poison ivy!!!!!!!! I stared at them for a second before opening the window " really opened the window didn't expect that" Harley said while walking inside followed by Ivy. I just sruget my shoulders and went back to designing. Harley looked around "so what you guys doing here" Chloe asked while looking up from her phone "we saw you together and we were kind of bored so we thought you guys would want to do something fun" she replied while smiling "sure" we all said at the same time which made us laugh.

We spent some time having fun with the two roughes. Me and Chloe (including Luka and Kagami) were kicking it off good with Ivy while Nino, Kim and Alix were having fun with Harley. The door opened showing a Mrs Bustier "hey it's time to go to be--" she stared a while "just be in bed before one and I'm fine with it" she said and closed the door again. Harley turned to us "dang, I like your teacher" "us too" we said together and we laughed again. Some time later they left. Nino and Kim went to their own room, and we were getting ready to go to bed. We left some honey for pollen. Some wortel (carrot don't know what he eats) for fluff and some cookies for tikki. I went to bed "'night guys" "night"

(La time skiperinio)

The next morning we woke up and got dressed for the tour to WE. We all putted on black pants and the colour of our kwamies. When we walked out we came face to face with the guys who were wearing the same. It's not strange for us to do stuff like that. It shows that we were together.

We walked down stairs and and to the restaurant and got our breakfast. After we were done we went to the lobby. Me and Chloe did some stretching while Kim was running circles. Nino was doing some handstands with Alix.

After an hour everyone was surprised to see us already done. Mrs Bustier came in un faced and went on with the program of today. I didn't really listen because I already knew it out of my head.

We waited for a few more minutes till Dick walked in bringing a smirk to my face. Chloe looked curious at me "he is Richard Grayson..... Oldest and first son of Bruce Wayne" this got all of them smirking.

He explained some stuff and we walked in the buss. I made sure that Alix and Chloe sat together and Nino and Kim were with me because they went to sit together. I guess dick saw it and walked over to me "can I sit here" he asked pointing at the seat next to me "of course" I said smiling. Chloe and Alix went to sit besides each other while Dick smirked at me "you're pretty sly you know that" "yeah, I do" I said while grinning brightly.

The buss ride wasn't so bad. Dick was good company and it was fun hearing about his family.

When we stepped out of the bus we walked into the building. Lila was telling some weird lie about helping to redesign the inside of the building. I looked at Dick's face and I could barely controle my laughter. Chloe looked confused and I pointed at Dick. The others followed my finger too and almost bursted out in laughter too.

I walked to Dick and tapped his shoulder "I know they are dumb so don't pay it any mind. Buuuut if you can do something about it like asking your adoptive father Bruce Wayne for help I guess you can completely down her" I was surprised by what I said and I guess the others too. Dick looked at me in pure shock "do you really think I wasn't going to read up on Gothem??? I even made a volder for my friends about the vigelanties and about the villians and the roughes." I pointed out and he looked satisfied and impressed.

We talked a little longer and at the moment Dick wanted to start the tour someone came to stop him "well hello, you must be the French class am I right?" Asked to one and only Bruce Wayne. I walked up to him and stuck my hand out "that's us it's nice to meet you Bruce"

Bruce's POV

I was starstruck the little girl in front of me didn't call me Mr Wayne but Bruce. I got out of my daze and shook her hand "just out of curiosity, why did you call me Bruce and not mister Wayne?" I asked "well if I'm correct your father was Mr Wayne and I just guessed it wasn't right for you to call yourself that, and you love your father ferry much so you probably don't feel you have the right to the name" she said with a calm and collected voice 'this is the girl that sensed the mail, that's for sure' I toughed while looking at her "well Marinette you are very right Mr Wayne was and will always be my father. Thank you for understanding" she nodded her head while smiling. 'now I get why Dick was so angry when they said those things, she's amazing'

(La time skiperinio)

Marinette's POV

We were in the cafeteria when there were coming huge plants out of nowhere 'ivy' I thought. Everyone ran out of the way but me and my friends sat there like nothing happened. Ivy and Harley walked away from the ants and walked to us waving and we waved back.

Dick's POV

I stood there starstruck. 'They literally talks to ivy and Harley like they're old friends.............what was in the food' I thought but I was snapped out of it when I heard the annoying lying girl spoke "wow bad people really do attract bad people" one thing I know is that if you talk bad or hurt someone Ivy or Harley likes you're as good as dead and at this moment I'm rooting for them.

As I guessed Harley heard it and stood up, walked to the lier and stopped right in front of her "what did you say sausage hair" "what did you call her!!??" The girl in glasses said. Harley never leaving sausage hair "you know if you say one more bad word about Mari I would love to beat you up with my hammer" "now stay here say nothing do nothing and maybe just maybe I'll spare your life. Sausage hair" Harley said with the darkest aura I've ever seen around her. She walked back to the group she just came from and became her bubbly self again 'damn Mari you are one special girl's

I don't really know anything about the roughes. The only things I know are the things I've read and that isn't much.

I've also written a few things wrong but that's live, live isn't perfect.

Hope you like it


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