no idea 4

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Marinette's POV

As we reached the airport we stepped out and walked to the security.

When we were done we went to find out port (if been at an airport once so I don't really know how it works) as we were waiting Lila told some more lies, me and Marc were drawing some stuff, Luka and Nino were busy with their music, Kagami, Chloe and Alix were talking about tennis or something like that.

When it was almost time to board the plane I stood up and started giving everyone their ticked. I had the feeling that Lila would do something so I gave her ticked to Mrs Mendeleiev for 'save keeping' she just nodded and took the tickets (hers too) as I was done Lila stood up and started to do her thing "Mrs Bustier!!! Marinette didn't give me my ticked!!" "Marinette, where is Lila's ticked!?" I just shacked my head and looked at them both "Mrs Mendeleiev has it, I didn't want her to lose it" I said in the sickly sweet voice she always did. With that Mrs Mendeleiev gave Lila her ticked and we boarded the plain.


As me and Chloe sat at our seats I could hear Lila tell her minions about how she had won the contest and that she originally had a first class ticked that her 'childhood friend' Damien Wayne had fixed her but she wanted to sit with her friends so she declined.

I was pretending to gag which made Chloe giggle.


Tim's pov

I was sitting with Mrs Mendeleiev in front of Marinette and Chloe if I'm right.

Anyways as I was getting my laptop I overheard the sausage haired girl saying that she was 'childhood friends' with demon spawn....... Wo wants to be that??!! I mean....... Wo!!??? I certainly wouldn't.

Anyhow as I was listening I looked back to see Marinette pretend to gag and Chloe giggle. It was pretty funny so I chuckled softly trying not to be heard but I guess it failed because the two girls look up as I do it.

For a moment we just stare at each other till Marinette smirked "Marinette, Chloe" she said pointing at herself and her friend "figured" "Tim, even though I think you already knew" she just smirked a little "yup, you're Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne (is the middle name right?) Adopted son of Bruce wayne. You're the third oldest. You have four siblings: Richard 'Dick' Grayson-Wayne, Jason Peter Todd-Wayne and Cassandra Cain-Wayne (it sounds so weird. I searched her complete name and her name was Cain or Wayne so I just putted it like this) and the only blood son, Damien Wayne"

I guess I looked like a fish because both girls started giggling "I do my research before I go to a different country especially another continent" she said with a small smile.

After I got out of my shock we started talking and Mrs Mendeleiev said some stuff here and there. All in all it was a nice flight if you'd count out the annoying lies the sausage haired girl told who I learned was named Lila.

I also learned that Lila aperantly stole all Marinette's friends, even her best friend. After a while she got a lot back but not all. There was also a boy named Adrien who knew of Lila's lies but said she should 'take the high road' because her lies didn't hurt anyone. And that's not all he also tried to force himself on Mari and more than once!!! That made me furious but I hid it.

Anyways we left the plane and are now waiting for the luggage to arrive.

As almost everyone had their luggage Lila started again "Mrs Bustier, Marinette stole my luggage!!" Marinette looked up with a bored expression and then said in a monotone voice "lila, I didn't take you luggage. It's standing right there on the floor beside you" "not this one, my other suitcase" "Lila, you had just one suitcase" and with that she walked away to the bus. 'damn she is savage' while she walked away Lila lied her way out again.


As we all took a seat in the bus I took my seat beside Mrs Mendeleiev as I did for the entire time.

As I sat I texted Bruce

Hey, we landed and are now on the bus.

I waited a few minutes till he answered.

Good, how is the class?

There is a bluenette named Marinette who is very nice and her friends too even though I've only talked to one at the moment. And then you have another group I literally hate. There are also two teachers, one of them is nice and is probably on Marinette's side while the other teacher Mrs Bustier is on the other kids side who is a lier.

Okay, tell me everything when you're home.

Oh and Jason is staying here for a few nights so don't be surprised when you see him.

Okay, didn't expect that to be honest. But anyways, on the flight I also learnt that the bluenette Marinette knows that I'm not just Tim Drake, she knows my full name. And she knows the others full names too. Just so you know. Gotta go later B.

And with that I putted my phone in my pocket and started talking to Marinette and her friends missing the last message Bruce send me.

Okay, that's good to know. Alfred made fresh cookies.......and don't worry I kept some apart for you.


Bruce's POV

As I place my phone on my desk I grabbed another cookie and took a bite, thinking about what Tim said.

'I guess it is unexpected that Jason is staying here for a few nights........... Hmmmmm. I really wish I could've been the parent he needed, the parent they all needed' was what I thought as I looked out of my window.


While he was doing that he didn't notice a certain Butler smiling sadly at him as if he could read his mind knowing what went through his masters head. The butler turned around and walked to his room to check in for the night "don't worry master Bruce, they might seem distant but I know that they would die for you...... For their father" whispered the old Butler while opening the door to his room.


Hey, here is another update.

Damien will probably appear in the next chapter of the chapter after the next chapter.

Hope that confused you

Hope you like it


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