blind date

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Marinette's POV:

I don't even know why I'm doing this. Right now I'm sitting in a cafe waiting for my blind date Alya set me up with 'why is she doing this?' I thought. You might think that it's because she is my friend well......your wrong. I stoped being her friend when she chose Lila's side.

After telling you that you might be thinking why are you doing this then we'll you see........I was bored to death. Simple I know but hey what could go wrong, right.

It was 10 minutes past the time the person was supposed to be hear and yes she did tell me how the person looked blonde with green eyes. But after the 10 minutes i just ordered a hot coco and started sketching some stuff.

After a few more minutes someone walked in complete opposite of what Alya said but damn.........he looked good. His black hair suited his beautiful blue eyes and his body damn I wanna taste- nope, nada, nopes, no!! Bad Marinette, bad Marinette!! Okay back to reality, he literally looked like a model. Once I looked again I knew I recognized him he was Damien Wayne, the biological son of Bruce Wayne. I looked around and saw everyone staring so I turned my gaze back to my sketch and my Coco. After a few seconds I looked back up to see a girl with black hair and brown eyes. I recognized her as Cassandra Cain one of the kids Bruce Wayne adopted. I turned my head back to my own stuff again (because Mama told me that staring was rude).

After a few minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Cassandra looking at me "can I help you" I asked in my best English which is pretty good may I ad. She looked a little stunned probably because of my English but she recoverd fast and pointed at the seat in front of me at first I was kind of wondering why she didn't just ask when I remembered that she couldn't talk so I nodded my head and smiled at her. She went to sit down and I turned my gaze back to my sketch.

After another few minutes I looked up again and looked Cassandra right in the eye "hey, why aren't you sitting with your brother?" "To many persons around him?" I asked her again. She nodded with the slightest hint of shock in her eyes but but it was nothing much. Smiled at her and she smiled back. She then pointed at my sketchbook and I gave it to her. She took it and looked at the drawings, when she gave it back she looked stunned. She smiled at me and putted her thumbs up. She then looked at me with so much curiosity in her eyes and I knew what she wanted to ask "I'm here because my ex Best friends who still thinks that we're best friends set me up for a blind date and I was bored so I went and the person I was supposed to meet was 10 minutes late and now" I looked at my phone "half an hour" I deadpanned. She looked a little shocked at me "you know eyes are very helpful to understand a person so I kind of knew what you wanted to ask" she smiled at me "why are you and your brother here anyway?" I asked. She pointed at me "a blind date too?" She nodded and then smirked "no, he isn't my date, my date should have blonde hair and green eyes- and wait a sec........ugh......I hate you Alya" Cassandra looked at me questioningly "Alya probably set me up on a date with Adrien my old crush which might I add I didn't like anymore when he chose Lila's side even though he knew she was lying like ugh!!!!" "Sorry" I said which made her laugh a little.

We talked for little over two hours when Cassandra was tapped on her shoulder by Damien "we're going" she looked up and nodded. She looked at me and grabbed a pencil and a napkin and wrote something on it. She gave it to me and stood up and walked to the door "thank you for acompanieng my sister" Damien said "no problem she is really fun to talk with" I said smiling up at him "well I need to go, I hope I will see you soon miss...." "Dupain-cheng, Marinette Dupain-cheng" "well I hope to see you again miss Dupain-cheng. I really want to know what you have to make my sister like you" he said with a little smile which made him look so damn cute!!! "I will take that as a compliment, but maybe you should go before she is murdering that guy over there" I said while my eyes widened. He looked at his sister and then back at me "yeah, you're probably right. Goodbye" he said while walking away "goodbye" I said while seeing him walking away to save the poor man (probably not so poor since he looked like a creep).

After a few more minutes drinking my drink I stood up and gathered my stuff and that's when I finally looked at the napkin. There was a number on it and there stood 'let's talk again another time' I smiled and nodded to myself 'yeah, that sounds fun' I thought while walking out of the cafe and to the backery 'man am I happy Adrien didn't show up' I smiled all the way home. 'let's see what tommorow brings' I thought while working on my new dresses and talking to Tiki.


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