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Marinette's POV

It was the next morning when tikki poked my head to wake me up "Marinette wake up" I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with a pink kwamie. "Well hello to you too" I stepped out of bed and went to the shower. When I came out I went to my suitcase and grabbed an outfit. I was lazy and we just went to the gardens so yea.

When I was done I walked downstairs and met up with the others

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When I was done I walked downstairs and met up with the others. When I walked up to them Chloe notice me "hey sleeping beauty, how was your sleep?" I just nodded my head and went to stand beside her.

After a few minutes the buss arrived and we stepped in. I hadn't had much sleep so the moment I sat down and I placed my head on Chloe's shoulder and instantly fell asleep.

I felt someone poking my head when I opened my eyes. I came face to face with Chloe who smiled a little at me. " We're here" I nodded and streched. When I was awakish I stood up and walked out the bus. When I stepped out I looked around and spotted two very familiar man. I walked up to them with a raised eyebrow "not to be rude but what are you doing here?" I asked the one and only dick Grayson and Jason Todd. They smiled at me (Jason smiled too) "hey blueberry, we are the ones to give you and your class a tour trough the gardens" dick said. I smiled at him and we talked a little more.

Jason's POV

I don't know how she does it, really. She can make me smile whiteout doing anything!!! She's amazing really. But anyways as she was talking to dick I walked over to what I guess are her friends. I walked over to a dude with headphones and a dude with blue hair "hey, whatcha listening to?" I asked the one with headphones. He looked up at me and gave me the headphones. I put them in and I heard a song I didn't know. It was good I had to give it that. I gave it back and before I could ask who the singer was he spoke up "I'm Nino, that's Luka. I made the song he made the lirics" I looked shocked as he pointed to the blue haired boy "wow" was the only thing that came out of my mouth which made them chuckle.

We talked for a while and even as the tour started I stayed with them. For the first time in a long time I actually like some people besides Roy and my brothers. If any of you say I said that, then you'll need to sleep with one eye open. Anyway as the tour went on I saw sweatcheeks drawing in her scetch book thingy, the boys were talking about music or a bet, or both. The girls that were in Marinette's group were talking about sports to my surprise and taking in the surroundings.

When I looked around I saw that there were two girls with the Agrest boy whispering. I found it suspicious so I got closer. As I got closer I noticed that they were talking in French (-_- Jay is not so smart....... It's a French class) 'thank got Bruce made me follow French classes and that I was good with languages' I got closer to hear it better And I guess they didn't think I could French because they just continued. "Marinette just stole my scetches" said the sausage haired girl while crying crocodile tears 'who would believe her, she can't even lie that good!!' I thought as I continued listening.

After a while it got boring because the sausage haired girl just started spreading lies all over again like crazy. I shook my head and walked away.

It was break time and me and Dick and apparently the teacher went to sit whit Marinette and her friends. I sat down beside Nino and Luka and we started talking about music again. I saw that dick went to talk to Kim and Max if I'm right. I also saw that the teacher went to sit beside Marinette and they smiled at each other and went to do that own thing.

After around ten minutes Mari, Chloe, Juleka, Alix and Kagami stood up and walked to a very big tree and climbed it. I saw Kim standing up as that Alix girl stook her tongue out to him and he ran at the tree to climb in it. I saw Max sighn and running after him. Me and Dick looked and Luka and Nini with each an eyebrow raised. "Alix and Kim always want to be the best and Max always makes sure they're both okay. As for the tree, we like to be on higher ground" Luka said and we nodded.

We sat there for another half an hour till we gaderred up again and started walking. I was walking behind Marinette and we were walking past the flower field and I noticed that the flowers looked .ors alive as she walked by.

I just srughed it off and walked further. I looked around and noticed that ivy and Harley were standing in the middle of the flower field. Dick let the tour group to the field and that's when ivy noticed the group well one person In perticular. Marinette. Ivy waved at her and she waved back.

That walked up to each other and started talking when I heard something that made my blood boil. "Of course Marinette knows villians. Bad people atrack bad people" I really wanted to get my gun out and shoot her through her head, but before I could do something I saw a fumming Harley and ivy looking at her with so much hatered that if looks could kill the girl would be dead, brought back to live and killed and like that over and over again. "What did you say" said Harley with a very, very, very!!  Creepy voice 'well this is going great' I thought as I watched it all happen. (Right now I see him in front of me sitting in a chair eating popcorn while watching that)

Another update i hope is a little better that the last one because my brain isn't working with me, but hey. It's an update.

I probably miss spelled a lot of words but I don't fucking care. It's 00:40 am right here. Let me.

I hope you like it


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