Chapter 2: Tour Announcement

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Minjoo's POV

I lift my head slowly to face the owner of the shadow which was my professor.

"Again I'm asking you Ms. Kim, you're ready for what exactly? And what are you thinking using your phone in class?" He asked while looking at me with those piercing eyes.

"Well, you see Sir I was ready for something that will happen for my idols later and I was using my phone since they started to host a live and I thought---"

"Give me your phone Ms.Kim." he cut me off from explaining furthermore.

"But Sir, I need to see---"

"No, buts. Hand it to me. Now." He told me with his voice full of authority. I didn't have a choice and I didn't want things to get worse. That's why I handed him my phone, even if it means giving up So Curious' vlive.

"You'll get your phone later after the day's done. Oh and by the way, you'll have to stay back later at break time. I'll get 30 minutes of your time since I have to quickly discuss the lesson today and I'll let you answer an activity." He told me after getting my phone.

"And don't worry, you won't be alone. You'll be with those three at the back who were sleeping the entire time and not paying attention. Just like what you did." He added while pointing at the three students at the back who seems to have just woken up.

So much for hearing Yujin's voice.


Chaewon's POV

After finishing the period, the bell rang signalling it was already break time.

I remembered I had to help Yuri out with our Chemistry homework that's why I went to my locker first before heading to the cafeteria. After doing so, I went straight ahead to find Yuri.

Before going there, I decided I should wait for Minjoo so that we could walk to the cafeteria together. Upon reaching her class, I saw her classmates filing out of the room. I waited until I see Minjoo but she didn't go out.

I was confused on why Minjoo didn't walk out the room. I then took a peek at the small glass on the door.

There I saw Minjoo and three of her classmates listening intently to their teacher. 'They must be finishing something. I suppose' I thought to myself.

I then remebered Yuri needing my help for our homework. I then went to the cafeteria to look for her.


Upon entering the place, I saw Yuri waving at me from her seat. I went to the table and sat in front of Yuri.

"Hey Chaewon. Where's Minjoo?" She asked looking all over the place, finding Minju.

"Well I saw her stay back from her last class. I'm not sure why though." I told her as I began to think if Minjoo got into trouble or something.

I was thinking if Minjoo will still be able to eat if she was stuck there for who knows how long. As I was trying to think what happened to her, Yuri then told me, "Hey, Minjoo is fine. You don't need to worry about her. And you said she was with her classmates right?"

I nodded at her statement. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. Now can we please proceed to my homework now?" She told me while smiling at me brightly. Aish, same old Yuri.


"And that's how you balance chemical equations." I told her as I closed the book and gave it back to her.

By then she was looking at me with wide eyes and her mouth agape. "Wow, you're really good Chaewon. You managed to finish it in like, 20 minutes tops. Thanks again for helping."

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