Chapter 20: The Return

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Hyewon's POV

When Yujin and Wonyoung, I mean Minjoo, went home last night, I felt like there was something wrong. I tried pretending to be asleep when Yujin entered our room.

As she tried to fall asleep, in which I thought she was trying, I heard sniffles on her side. Meaning, she was crying. I didn't asked what it was about since I knew exactly what.

As soon as I made sure she was already sleeping, I sneakily went out and headed to Wonyoung's room.

I put my right ear next to the door so I can hear if she was already asleep. I heard the same thing I did with Yujin earlier, she was crying. Only, heavier cries were heard from her than from Yujin. I guess something really did happen between them.


I woke up earlier than Yujin the next day. I wanted to see how Minjoo was doing. I decided to check up on her first since Yujin wasn't the type of person to admit that she's hurting. Sooner or later, I bet she'll start telling me what happened last night. But right now, I decided to check Minjoo first.

The other members were still asleep as I went out the room. Only Eunbi unnie was awake, cooking breakfast for us. She smiled when she saw me heading towards Wonyoung's room. I smiled back at her, for her not to notice anything that happened last night.

I knock on the door gently at first. "Wonyoung, are you still sleeping?" I know it's not really Wonyoung whom I'm taking to but I can't let Eunbi unnie hear me addressing Wonyoung as someone else.

There was no response from her. I tried knocking again. This time, a little bit harder. I'm a bit sorry for trying to wake her up at this hour, but I needed to know what happened last night and to confirm my suspicions.

The same thing happened, no response. I planned on bringing the door down on my own but I knew I couldn't do that. I decide turn the knob to see if the door was open. Fortunately, it was.

I carefully walked in her room, closing the door in the process. I saw that she was still pretty much asleep. I guess I wasn't knocking hard enough for her to wake up.

I sat next to her bed as soon as I'm near it. "Minjoo, Minjoo." I tried waking her up. There was still no response from. Now tell me, how much of a heavy sleeper is she?

I tried shaking her the second time, still calling her name. "Minjoo, it's time to wake up." I don't want to say this again but still, nothing.

This time, I started to get worried. No matter how many times I wake her up, she still wouldn't budge. I quickly went outside the room to call for Eunbi unnie.

"Eunbi unnie!" I called out. She looked at me, still cooking. "What is it?" She asked. I looked back to the direction of Wonyoung's room. "It's Wonyoung. She's not waking up."

Yujin was coming out of our room when she heard me say those words. She still looks a bit sleepy but when she heard what I said, she looked at me with wide eyes before heading straight into Wonyoung's room.

Eunbi unnie who was cooking, dropped what she was doing and went straight into the room together with Yujin. Soon, panic voices filled the room. Eunbi unnie was calling for our manager, telling her to bring a car in quickly. Yujin was seating next to Wonyoung, wearing a blank expression on her face.

By the time the car got here, everyone was up. I couldn't understand what was happening. All I know is that both Wonyoung and Minjoo were in trouble.


The drive to the hospital was full of the members panicking and Eunbi unnie telling our driver to speed up. Everything was happening too fast. No one really expected for some thing like this to happen.

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