Chapter 5: Please, Wake Up

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Chaewon's POV

(The night after their picnic)

I was driving home after dropping Minjoo off her house. It was a calm ride home since it was already late out.

While driving, I remembered about Minjoo being happy earlier. Even though Gunsan didn't make the tour list, she was happy she got to spend time with me. I smiled at the thought.

I also remebered the shooting star from earlier and Minjoo asking me to wish.


Flashback: (From Earlier)

"Make a wish, hurry." Minjoo told me as I looked at her and gave her a small laugh. Even though I find it ridiculous, I closed my eyes and wished. There was one thing on my mind that time. I was thinking of wishing for love.

I gathered my thoughts together and wished, 'I wish, love could give me a chance. A chance to love someone who will love me back." I opened my eyes slowly as I finished making my wish.

I then looked at Minjoo's side and saw her with her eyes closed, hands together still making a wish. Looking at her makes me like her even more. The way she looks even gorgeous from this angle, the way her eyes are closed so cutely, and not to mention her hands looking really soft while they are clasped together.

Looking at her, it made me thought of something. I know I believe that this shooting star wishes never work, but there was still a part of me hoping it would come true. Hoping that love could really give me a chance. Hoping that Minjoo will be the one to give me a chance.


A few more minutes, I already reached home. Because it was already late I knew no one would be awake at this hour. I grabbed the house key from my bag and used it to open the door. Seeing that no one else is awake with all the lights off, I went straight ahead to my room.

I entered my room and quickly went to the bathroom to wash up. After washing up, I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Although the happenings from earlier kept me awake. I couldn't sleep even if I tried my best to tune out my thoughts.

"Ahh, screw it." I tell myself as I got up and got my phone, ready to call Yuri. 'Maybe she's already asleep by now'. I thought as I looked at the clock to see it was already 11:45 pm.

Because of that, I've decided to tell Yuri about it tomorrow before I go and head to Minjoo's place. Again, I couldn't sleep. Feeling unsettled, I got my phone and called Yuri anyways. I didn't even think twice if she was still awake or not.

Yuri picked her phone up after a few rings. "Yul, you still up?" I asked her. "I'm up now thanks to you. What's so important that you called at this hour anyway?" She asked me grumpily.

"To tell you the good news, I've finally decided to confess to Minjoo. Tomorrow, maybe." I tell her with a hint of enthusiasm in my voice. "Finally, but what urged you to do so?" She asked me.

"Well, you see..." I fill her in about earlier. About how Minjoo was thanking me for cheering her up, how she told me to tell my mom for giving birth to an amazing daughter like me, how I saw Minjoo genuinely happy for being with me earlier. It gave me the slightest hope that she could like me back. And also, I told Yuri about Minjoo knowing I like someone but she doesn't know it's her yet.

"Took you long enough. You needed to have those moments before confessing to her." I heard her chuckle from the other line. "Just so you know, I'm rooting for you. And sorry to say this, but I've gotta get back to my beauty sleep." She added. "Well, I'm sorry too for waking you up and goodnight, Yul." I told her as I heard a goodnight as Yuri put the phone down.

Talking to Yuri about that eased my nerves. Finally, I think it's time for bed. I put my phone next to my lamp and went to sleep. "I hope it'll turn out well." I told myself as I dozed off.


I woke up at 9 in the morning and practically ran towards the bathroom to take a bath. While showering, I was thinking on how to confess to Minjoo and when to do it. In the end, I've decided to take her out for breakfast and just straight up tell her.

I wore comfy clothes after showering and went out my room to head downstairs. On my way out, I saw my mom, dad, and my twin brother Felix having breakfast.

"You looked all dressed up. Where you going by the way?" Felix asked me while still having a mouth full of bread. "Hey, finish that first before speaking." Mom tells her as I heard him say sorry to her.

My dad then faced me as he said, "Yeah hun, your brother's right. Where you going this early?"

"Off to meet a friend." I tell them. "I'm planning on telling her something important." I added. My parents agreed with me going as I heard Felix fake cough while saying, "Friend, more like girlfriend."

I narrowed my eyes at him before saying, "Gotta go now. See you then. Bye."

I started my car and headed to Minjoo's house.


After reaching her house, I parked my car and went towards the house. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later it was opened by Minjoo's mom.

"Chaewon! Didn't expect to see you this early at a weekend." She tells me as she opened the door wider to let me in. "Come in, make yourself at home." She added.

"Sorry to bother you Mrs. Kim. Just wanted to see if Minjoo's already awake. I needed to tell her something important and I might as well ask her to have breakfast."

"Well, she's still in her room. I don't think she's still awake. You can go ahead and wake her up. Tell her it's almost lunch time." Minjoo's mom told me while chuckling. "Okay then, I'll be sure to wake her up." I tell her.

"You go ahead now. You know her room right?" Mrs. Kim asked me. "I still do." I said to her as I gave her a small smile and went towards Minjoo's room.


Knowing the place, I was now standing in front of Minjoo's room. I knocked softly on the door waiting for a response. "Minjoo, you already up?"

Without hearing any answer, I tried to open the door. To my surprise, it was open. I then went straight into her room.

I looked around the room after entering. It was the same as before although it has a more mature vibe now since we grew up. A lot of time in the past, we went here in Minjoo's house to play along with Yuri. We only stopped coming here that often when we reached High School.

Without wasting another minute, I went near Minjoo to see she was still sleeping. I smiled seeing how cute she was while sleeping. I didn't want to wake her up from her peaceful nap but I knew I didn't have a choice. She needed to wake up since it was almost 10 and breakfast will be over soon.

I tried to wake her up while saying, "Minjoo. Wake up. It's almost lunch time." There was no response from her.

"Minjoo, I know you're not a heavy sleeper. Wake up sleepy head." I tell her as I wake her up with a little more force than before. Still, there was no response.

I started to get worried as I knew Minjoo wasn't waking up. "Minjoo, please wake up. Why aren't you waking up?" I held her in my arms as I shake her, hoping to wake her up. To my disappointment, Minjoo didn't wake up. Tears started to form in my eyes.

I couldn't handle it anymore. Knowing she wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon, I screamed. I screamed for Minjoo's mom to hear while holding the still unconscious girl in my arms.

No, no, no. This can't be happening. I can't lose her not when I'm about have her.

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