Chapter 15: The Truth Revealed

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Minjoo's POV

"Not to be rude but, who are you and what have you done with Wonyoung?"

I blinked three times, not clearly understanding what she had just said. "W-what?"

She heaves out a sigh before removing her hold on my right shoulder. "Yeah yeah, I know. You're wondering where I get all these ideas from but you know, I just can't stop thinking about it. You literally changed and I'm the only one who have noticed but I guess I'm wrong." She stood up, preparing to leave.

Before she could go any further, I called her. "Unnie..." she looked back at me. I didn't say anything after that but she went back to sit next beside me. "I'm not wrong, am I?"

I couldn't bring myself to look at her. I had my head hanged low as I nodded. She lets out a sigh once again. I'm preparing myself for anything that she'll do or say to me know that she knows. I closed my eyes, waiting for her to do something, not when I felt a pat on my right arm.

I looked up to see her giving me a small smile. "It's okay. I know there's a reason. Care to share it with me?"


That's when I told her everything. From wishing upon a shooting star, waking up in Wonyoung's body, me not being able to go back to my body, to me living almost two months now of being Wonyoung.

After I finished my story, Hyewon unnie was silent. "Unnie, are you okay?" She looks at me with a confused expression. "I am just... trying to grasp the situation. I never knew I was right. I thought you were just going through puberty or something." It was my turn now to sigh.

"I'm really sorry about all of this. I didn't really mean to get you into this and most especially, I didn't want to hinder Wonyoung from living her life. I just don't know what to do anymore." I tried to stop my tears from falling but a few slipped. I immediately wiped them with my hands.

"Hey, hey it's okay. We'll find a way for you to return to your body. At least I will, I wouldn't want the others knowing about this." Hyewon unnie said as she continued on rubbing my back to comfort me.

"Thank you, unnie." I tell her as I hug her. She didn't hugged back at first but eventually did. "We'll get you back. I promise."

After a few seconds, I pulled back from the hug as a thought crossed my mind. "By the way unnie, when did you notice that I wasn't really Wonyoung?"

She stood up straight as she began to think. "It all started on our trip to Everland, when we were at the ice cream shop. First, when we were given free ice cream, you cheered softly and that's not how Wonyoung does it. Wonyoung tends to cheer really loud when given free things. At the same time, you didn't really like mint choco as I have noticed that day which also confirmed my suspicions earlier tonight when you've finally eaten the ice cream and went on an "accident". She says while quoting with her hands. I nodded, urging her to continue.

"Next was the time when we finished rehearsing. You fetched me that time, saying Eunbi unnie was asking for me. There, you called me Kangchan instead of Kwangbae and I know for a fact you mostly call me Kwangbae. Oh, and also about rehearsals, you didn't know the songs nor the dance to it. Also, you not calling Yujin as unnie when you're literally the only one who's capable of calling her unnie among us. And you know what really gave it away?" She asked me while looking at me seriously.

I shrugged in response, she then continued on talking. "What gave it away was you playing the piano. I mean, Wonyoung does know how to play but she is still learning. Just a few months back she asked me to teach her. And I just know that she wouldn't be able to play that good without practicing, and she hasn't been able to practice because of the busy schedule. Then weeks came and suddenly she's a Mozart. That's what gave it away."

I awkwardly laughed while scratching the back of my head. "Yeah, I've missed playing. I forgot all about it too."

"By the way, you haven't told me your name. And by name, I mean the real you, in whatever form you are in Wonyoung's body." She suddenly said.

I gave her a small smile before fetching Wonyoung's phone. I searched for my picture and gave it to Hyewon. "My name is Minjoo, Kim Minjoo and I look exactly like the girl in that photo."

She looked at it for a while before looking back at me with a shocked expression. "Why what's wrong? Is there something wr--"

"No, no." She cut me off. "It's just... you look really pretty. I wonder where you have been when we were looking for members to audition."

Hearing what she just said, made the tip of my ears red. "Unnie!" I tell her as I covered my face from embarrassment. It's rare hearing a compliment coming of from your idol and that what made me really embarrassed. "What? I'm just stating the truth." She shrugged before giving me back the phone.

"Whatever happened to your body back home? Is Wonyoung in yours too?" She asked, after seconds of silence.

"I don't know. I haven't been able to know." I tell her. "But that doesn't matter, I just want to return to my body sooner or later."

Hyewon unnie looked at me once again. "What about the people you'll leave here? Is it okay for them when you leave?"

I was taken back from her question as I didn't know what she was trying to say. "What do you mean, unnie? Everyone thinks I am Wonyoung except you and when I'm gone, everything will soon go back to the way it was. No one likes me for being me, and it's better that way." I tried to tell her in the nicest way as possible. Okay for the people I'll leave? What does that even mean?

"Well, not Yujin." She suddenly says. "What?" I asked her with uncertainty in my voice.

"Yujin. Ever since you became Wonyoung, she's been hanging out with you more often. You mentioned you became her almost two months from now right?" I nodded, still not getting where she was going. "In the span of those days, she has been on your side and talking about you nonstop. At how you were really cute getting scared at the rides, at how cute you looked like looking like a lost rabbit, at how she finds you attractive even just by standing there, at how your hands feels perfect when she's holding them, that's how my days have been going. I know it since I'm her roommate and she never mentioned these things from back when Wonyoung was still Wonyoung. They seem really close to me before but as sisters, not the way how Yujin is describing her to me right now."

I couldn't bring myself to say anything after what she said. I never really noticed that as I thought that was how she treated Wonyoung, but guess I was wrong. "No, that sounds impossible. Maybe she had feelings for Wonyoung back then and she just started to see it out now."

"Yeah, when you came into the picture that's how she saw it." Hyewon unnie butted in.

I was pacing around the room, thinking of a solution. "It'll be fine. She'll like Wonyoung and not me, right? So when I'm gone, she can finally tell Wonyoung how she really feels." Hyewon unnie stood up before holding both of my shoulders. "Just whatever you do, don't hurt Yujin." She told me this while looking straight into my eyes.

I let out a sigh, "What do I do? Should I avoid her?" Hyewon shook her head, "No she would notice that."

"But doesn't she see that I'm not Wonyoung just like how you saw it?" Why did it have come to this? At this point, I really really don't know what to do, not when I'm falling for her anyways.

"I'm surprised she hasn't noticed it yet but I'm guessing she did. She just chose not to see it and I can't do anything about that unless we tell her the truth, which I'm guessing we can't." Hyewon unnie told me before letting go of my shoulders.

"Wonyo--, I mean Minjoo. It's not up to me how you'll fix it, it's up to you. Just please, don't break our Yujin's heart."

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