Chapter 4: Who Am I?

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Minjoo's POV

After going to the hilltop and having a picnic there, Chaewon and I finally decided to go home. She dropped me off at my house before 12, as promised.

As I went inside the house, I was greeted by my dad. He asked me if I had fun and told me it was good that I listened to my mom about being home before 12. I said goodnight to him and made my way upstairs to my room.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and changed into my pajamas as I was getting ready for bed. I put my phone beside my nightstand and didn't bother to put an alarm for yesterday, since it was the weekend.

As I lay in bed facing up the ceiling, I began to think about earlier. "Can my wish really come true?" I asked myself. I laughed at myself for having silly thoughts like that.

"No, I don't think that's possible." I started to tell myself. "That's not possible is it?" I laughed again once more for talking to myself.

I closed my eyes as thoughts started to form in my head. 'But what if it's possible? What if my wish could really come true? I wonder what's the first thing I'll do when I really became her. Should I ask the members for their autograph? Should I take pictures with Yujin? Or should I follow my twitter account using So Curious' account?'

I then opened my eyes after thinking about my wish. "Aish, don't be silly Minjoo. Such things wouldn't happen." I assured myself as those thoughts that I were thinking were just fiction. It doesn't really happen in real life does it?

I turned over to one side as I tried to sleep. As I was about to, I remembered Chaewon, about her earlier and what could be her wish.

'Hmm, what could be Chaewon's wish that made her all flustered like that?' I tried to remember what happened earlier.



"How 'bout you? Any hints on what you wished for?" I asked her since I was really curious on what a girl like Chaewon would ask.

Chaewon's eyes widened as she looked away and blushed before saying, "Oh nothing."

I gasped as I saw her blushing cheeks. "You're blushing! That must mean you wished for something like love!"

Chaewon became flustered when she heard me say that and told me, "What? I never said that."

"Sure you didn't." I tell her back. "So, who is it? Do I know them? Are they in our class?" I teased her hoping to get the truth out of her.

"It's no one. You shouldn't worry about someone who doesn't exist, Minjoo." She said while patting my head and chuckling awkwardly.


'Chaewon might be hiding something from me. I mean, she doesn't have to be ashamed. I'll accept her for whoever she likes.' I smiled at the thought. Of course, I'll support Chaewon on who she likes. It doesn't matter to me who as long as I'm supporting her.

"Maybe I should go and text her tomorrow?" I tell myself once again as I finally have decided to text her first thing in the morning.

After a few moments of changing my sleeping position here and there, I finally fell asleep.


Waking up with no alarm feels great. It's the weekends, that means no alarms and no school.

Still sleepy, I look for my phone on my nighstand to see the time. To no avail, I couldn't find it. 'Hmm, it's not there' I thought to myself as I was still sleepy.

I did a good stretch before waking up as I saw my nails, they were perfectly done and well manicured. "I never went to get my nails done, like never in my life have I done that." I tell myself. With wide eyes; I've finally realized something.

I looked around and saw that I wasn't in my own room. The room kinda felt familiar to me, although I can't put my finger on when I saw this room. While still laying on bed, I looked at my arms and legs. They got longer. I'm not really this tall, but now I've become taller.

I began to think where I am without going outside just yet. Not when I'm still unsure of some things. 'Could it be?' I thought as I began to think of something that had happened last night.

I looked for a mirror anywhere but couldn't find one. I then saw a door that led to the bathroom. Before opening the door I closed my eyes first, knowing that there is a mirror as soon as I open it

"You can do this Minjoo. Whatever it is that's happening, it's not what you think. As I open that door and look at the mirror, I'm still me. I'll see myself there. " I tried to tell myself as I held the doorknob, ready to open the door.

I opened the door while still having my eyes closed. I knew there was a mirror there as I felt the sink. 'Okay, you can do this. I'll open my eyes in the count of three and I'll see my reflection staring back at me. 1, 2, 3...' After counting up to three, I opened my eyes and looked at the mirror.

Oh boy, I didn't really expect this to happen. AT ALL.

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