Chapter 18: The Weekend

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Hitomi's POV

It was the weekend and I was home alone doing absolutely nothing. I've already done my homeworks beforehand as I wanted to enjoy the weekends without thinking of anything related to school. With nothing to do, I decided to open the tv and find if there is anything good to watch.

As I was busy flipping through the channels, I heard my phone chimed, signalling I got a message. I took a look to see who it was from. It was from Chaewon.

"Chaewonie <3"
Hey, you busy?

I couldn't contain the smile showing on my face knowing I received a message from her. I decided to act cool about it for me to think of a reply.

"Hitoma 🍑"
Nope, just trying to find something to watch. It's pretty boring here to be honest.

I let a breath out that I didn't know I was holding as I was finally able to reply to her. Not a few seconds later, I received a reply.

"Chaewonie <3"
Ohh, same here ><

Seeing her reply made me think if I could ask her to come to maybe spend the weekend with me, seeing nothing really interesting happens. I kept on thinking of a good way on how to ask her. I've already made up different ways on how to tell her but I can't seem to give her a reply. I kept on typing then erasing the message, making me not send a message to her at all.

"Chaewonie <3"
Mind if I come over? But it's okay if you don't want to. Just thought maybe you wanted some company.

Well that made it easier. I didn't need to think of a reply as she invited herself in. Not to let my excitement get to me, I took a deep breath in and out before answering back.

"Hitoma 🍑"
That sounds nice! You can come over. And do you want anything? I'll go grab some at the store first. It isn't that late yet.

Okay, but did I look too enthusiastic based on my reply? I think not. I just hope she doesn't notice.

"Chaewonie <3"
No, it's okay. Leave that part to me. I'll go buy something before going there. Need anything?

I tapped my chin first to think of something that I might probably need.

"Hitoma 🍑"
Well, there is one thing.

"Chaewonie <3"
Let me guess, bread?

I chuckled at her reply. She knows me too well.

"Hitoma 🍑"
You know it ^^

"Chaewonie <3"
If you say so. I'll make sure to bring you the finest bread in the store ;)

"Hitomi 🍑"
Make sure it's the best.

"Chaewonie <3"
Oh, I will. I'll be going now. See you soon!

"Hitomi 🍑"
Yeah, okay. See you!

After sending the last message, I felt a sudden urge to clean the house. Or at least make sure it is presentable as it was already clean. I didn't know why I thought about that but I started to tidy the house and made sure that all things were in place before she gets here.

Chaewon still hasn't come over to my house before. She did one time but she only saw the outside of my house, not the inside. Maybe that's why I felt the need to make the house look presentable to her.

After a few more minutes, I then heard the doorbell ring. There was also a text from her saying she's already outside.

"Coming!" I shouted. I went to the front door and opened it to see Chaewon carrying many bags, looking like she was about to party. I helped her carry some of the bags as I went inside to place it on the table. Chaewon followed soon after closing the door.

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