Chapter 3

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"We will."

Our assurance made him so happy that he put his hands together and thanked us. For once, I could see hope glistening in his eyes. I took out a notepad and wrote down the gist of what he said.

I checked my phone and noticed it was already lunch hour. Evan and I went to the nearby KFC to have some lunch. I didn't have much of an appetite and Evan did not have one too. He kept on staring outside the window as if he was reminding himself of the promise he made to Mr Brown. I squeezed his hand affectionately and told him it would be all right. He had a distant and sad look which made me think whether he was thinking about family.

I regretted lying to our parents but told myself this was for a good cause. I got up and hailed a taxi to the next house we had to go to. I told Evan whose house we were going to. We were going to Kate's house. Her boyfriend was Noah, one of the guys who had gone missing. Maybe we could get more. You might think, wait, why not ask Noah's family? That was because Noah had no family. His parents had died in a tragic car accident. He did not want the orphanage to take him in. He was a part-time worker at a shop and was going for his degree this year.

I decided we had to notice the similarities between the missing cases.

We reached the house which was a bit far from our street. It was an apartment. Now wait a second, how did I know all the house addresses? Simple. Nowadays, many people post personal particulars until it is so easy to guess where they live.

I rang the bell and a woman opened it. Her hair was tied in a bun and she had age wrinkled on her face. She wore a nightgown and huge earrings. Straight away, I knew this was Kate's Mum.

"Hello, Mdm Susy. We have come to just ask Kate some questions."

"I see. We do not want children to be kidding around. Off you go."

"No! Wait! We want to help your daughter. Please give us a chance."

"Okay, but she is upset. She would not eat nor talk."

"We tried!"A man voice called from behind.

We went in.

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