Chapter 2

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"Okay okay, "I told my brother and shoved the computer to my brother.

"You see. I have followed up on the missing people's Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. I have a lot of information about them, lazy head. You were snoring off!"I groaned.

Evan shrugged like what an annoying brother would do. I fumed off and stood up. I offered my hand.

He took it and gave me a curious look.

"C'mon. We are going to Mr Brown's house."

I walked to his house. It was nearby-not the type where the house is in the middle of nowhere. His house was nice with a beautiful garden outside. I noticed some flowers were wilted. I was pretty sure that Mrs Brown had been maintaining it before she had disappeared. The house was sky blue almost camouflaged with the background if not for the green grass.

I knocked on the door and a man opened it. His blonde hair looked unkempt and his green eyes were wild. His beard had grey streaks like he had been worrying very much. He wore a tee with the inside-outside. His shorts were chipped. I knew we had to keep this pep talk calm or else there was a chance he might start breaking down to tears.

"Sir ... we just want to help you find erm ... Emily."

As soon as I said it, I regretted it. A tear slid down his cheek and he covered his face in exasperation. 

"My dearest ... she was my everything. She stole my heart and kept it. Now she is gone. I will tell you as much as I know."

Evan placed a hand on Mr Brown's hand and expressed his gratitude.

"For the last few weeks before she went missing ... she started to gain weight very much. She was a health freak. I could hear her complaints without the slightest grimace, haiz. Anyway, she was complaining that she had been gaining excessive weight despite her metabolism rate. She was fit and trim. I could almost swear that she could be lying. I saw with my own eyes. The weighing scale said so. One day, she said she wanted to visit the doctor and off she went. She never came back. The police announced her missing. Please help me bring her back."

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