Chapter 4

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Pillows were neatly aligned on the sofa. Beanbags lay before the couch. A huge console stood. The dining table was in a quiet corner. The house was cheerful yellow.

We entered Kate's room.

The door was wide open and we decided it would be rude to go in straight away. I pretended to cough.

Kate, who was crying, looked up from her soggy arms.

Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. If not for her red eyes, she would have looked kind of pretty. Her red hair was curly and curtained her face. Her lips were the slightest shade of pink and she had freckles all over her nose. She wore her pyjamas and she looked like she had been in bed for a long while.

"Kate. We are here to help you find Noah."

She rushed forward and hugged me. She cried into my shirt. The worst part was that I could feel my ribs cracking. I let out a strangled yelp and she let go. She fell to my feet and thanked me.

Evan suppressed the giggles and I glared at him crossly. 

"Tell us what happened the last few weeks before he went missing."

"He was acting odd. He used to be charming and hilarious but he seemed very distracted. Every time I took his hand, he would look away. The very strange part was that his hand was icy cold like steel. It made me uncomfortable. I had to refrain from holding his hand. His whole body was cold I guess. Not only his hand. Whenever I excitedly threw my arms around his neck, his neck would be chilly too. We were in the bowling arena having an awesome afternoon like every weekend. He went outside to attend a call. He said it was from his boss. He went outside. Then, I could not find him. The police claimed he was missing and that was the final straw. I stopped eating or talking. Good luck with finding my love."

She hugged me one more time before we left. I made her happy by telling her I would give in my best shot.

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