9-I know my rights!

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It's been about 4 days since Jahseh apologized. He keeps giving me the sup nods in the hallway. I haven't been to my mom's house since she called telling me she was taking me away. She's been giving me warnings about how she's finna call the police and they're finna find me lacking and allat, but I don't believe her. I was chillin in 7th period ready to go home.

"Nah cause it says that amoeba make copies of itself so it'd be asexual." I said showing Vanessa my answers

Then two white cops walk into the classroom. The tension grew so much when they stepped in.

"Um can I help you?" My teacher asked

"We're looking for Gabrielle East?"

Then all eyes went to me. A room full of opps.

"We're gonna need you to come with us." One says


"We just need you to come." He said

"I'm not gettin out my seat until you tell me why."

I knew exactly why but I knew they weren't gonna say anything. They walk toward me and I looked at both of them in the face.

"Are you refusing to get up?" He asked

"I'm refusing to leave this classroom until you tell me why."

"We don't have to tell you get up or we'll have to force you out."

"Go for it touch me I dare you, that's a check for me and a lost job for you." I said

I wanted to test them so I reached for my pocket and they pulled out there guns.

"Chill my nigga." I said

I got out some gum and put it into my mouth.

"That's it. You're being detained." One said

He grabbed my arms and tried to throw me out my desk but I held on to that desk. Eventually threw me out the chair.

"Why am I being detained nigga!" I yelled

"Put your hand behind your back."


"Put your hands behind your back!"

"It's cause I'm black right?! I know for a damn fact if I was a fucking Sally you'd not be going all this. Your fucking badge is going to your head my nigga!" 

"If you don't put your hands behind your back I'm gonna taze you!" 

"That'll just be two more commas for my court case."

I didn't but my hands behind my back and so he tazed me.

"Oh shit I've had McDonald's sprites that tazed me harder than that hoe!"

He kept tazing me and I kept refusing to put my hand behind my back.

"I hope someone's recording this bullshit cause I'ma need it in my case."

"I got you besti." Vanessa yelle

I laughed and continued to fight with the police.

"This is getting hella sad so let me make this easy for y'all."

I spit my gum in the officer's eyes and  put my hands behind my back.

"Bye guys I'll see y'all at my case!" I said as the shoved me out the room

At a police station

I was sitting in a chair in cuffs and then I see my Dad walk in. He immediately runs to me and kneels so that he is face to face with me.

"You ok what did they do to you."

"They threw me out the chair and tazed me Dad." I said crying 

"Don't cry girl. I swear gto everything you'll get a big fat check outta this. He said putting a hand on my shoulder

I chuckled and smiled at him.

"So I assume you're Mr.East." A police officer said

"Yeah and I wanna know the bitch ass cop was who put they hands on my daughter!"

His New York accent was really showing.

"We'll figure all that out but first she has to stay with her mom."

Then my mom walks in.

"If we catch Gabrielle within 100 feet of you, we'll fine you of a 10,000 dollars."

"There's a restraining order on me and my daughter?!" He yelled

"In a way yes, until we figure out the court dates then that's how it's going to be."

My mom just sat there and smirked.

"I'd rather be in an orphanage than go with you I swear." I said looking at her

"Alright baby girl we're gonna figure all this out but in the mean time deal with this whatever god created and just relax."

"But Dad-"

"I can't do anything Brielle I love you so much but for right now I can't see you for a while."

"Can someone take the hadcuff off of her?" My mom asked

Someone came and took them off.

"You're so lucky we in a police station cause I would slap the bat shit out of you."

"I wish the fuck you would."

"Alright she's free to go." 

I gave my Dad one last good hug and he kissed my forehead. 

"I love you ok?"

"I love you too."

"I'll see you soon."

"Bye Dad."

I walked out with my mom and I got in her car.

My hush puppy [Jahseh] {XxxtentacionWhere stories live. Discover now