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Maud was looking at the post card Emile had given her, as she waited for him to come.

She then spotted a blimp coming this way. She was soon met with a giant flea, and feline as they slid across the metal floor.

She gasped.

[ Name ] sat up as well as Francoeur. She could see him reverting back to his normal state.


Maud screamed as she called out for Emile, running away from them.

'Francoeur if you can understand me, you don't have much time left. You're reverting back.' [ Name ] signed.

The gang then reached the tower as they headed up the flight of stairs.

"Francoeur! [ Name ]! Are you alright?" [ Name ] shook her head as she rested her head against Francoeur.

She showed the the bandaged wound towards Lucille as she made a gun with her 'hands'.

"Guys! Francoeur's not well, and [ Name ] was shot in her arm!" Lucille announced.

Just then, Raoul noticed the blimp was coming towards them,"Uh oh! Come on! Quick! Quick!"

The group guided their friends to safety away from the blimp and Maynott.

He landed right in front of them walking towards them,"Step aside, Lucille."

"Go ahead. Shoot," she said stepping up to him.

"Don't tempt me."

"The newspapers were right. There is a monster in Paris," she stated," And I'm looking right at him."

"What? Have it your way," He laughed and fired his gun as Raoul stepped in front of her.

The bullet the hit Raoul's machinery,"Oh! I'm hit. Man down. Wait. I'm okay. I'm okay."

Lucille then went for his gun, attempting to get it out of his grasp.

"Go, Francoeur! Go [ Name ]! Go!"


[ Name ] nodded as she helped Francoeur get to the top, he held onto her and jump as high as he could with the bit of energy he had left.

Lucille frantically tried to get the gun, as she bit Maynott as he then grabbed her throat.

"No, Lucille, no!"

Pushing her back, she fell backwards, but as he went to look, she was holding on to the ledge.


"Hold on, Lucille!" Climbing down to get her.

Maynott then proceeded to go upstairs, until he was stopped by Emile,"Stop right now!"

Maynott held his hands up,"Of course, yes...Boo!" He said as he pushed Emile with Maud running towards his aid.

"Oh, Emile, are you okay?"

[ Name ] and Francoeur were then at the top as he sat down.

She went to hug her friend, reassuring him that everything was going to be okay.

Hugging back, he could feel his body reverting.

Maynott was near the top as he saw both of them.

Tripping him, Emile took ahold of the gun, pointing it at Maynott.

"Give me that, you dwarf!"

"Well, I may be a dwarf, but I have a big gun."

"Actually, the gun is pretty small. Now, now give it to me!" He yelled towards Emile.

Maud then came from behind, hitting the big man with her umbrella," you leave my Emile alone!"

"Maud? No, no stop!"

"Still want to play hero?" Maynott said holding Maud over the the edge.


"Give me the gun, or over she goes!" He said.

"Okay, okay. No, here. Here's your gun!" Emile said as he slid the gun over to Maynott.

He then threw Maud over towards Emile as he caught her," We each have our destiny. Yours lies in the shadows, and mine is out in the spotlight."

Maynott turned away from them, giving Emile enough time to grab the umbrella and point towards the man.

"Okay, Maynott. It's showtime!" He said opening the umbrella," Maud closes your eyes, you too, [ Name ]!"

They both did as Emile turned on the tower's light, blinding Maynott as he hit the gun out of his hands.

Maynott then fell.

"Oh, Emile you were wonderful!" Maid praised him.

"Just like in my dreams."

"In your dreams?"

Soon enough, Maynott climbed up towards [ Name ] and Francoeur.

Francoeur pushing [ Name ] away as she landed below the two. She watch in horror before heading a gunshot.

Looking away as she stood against a pole.

"Francoeur! [ Name ]!" Lucille yelled as she saw Francoeur's clothing fall.

"Where are you? Where are you!" Maynott yelled as he laughed," I did it! I did it! I killed the monster of Paris!"

He then noticed [ Name ],"All except one," he said pointing his gun at her.

Just then Paté stepped in front of her,"Oh. Paté! Hello!"

"I have a message from the Interior Minister. He's not happy with all the destruction caused by your psychopathic chase in pursuit of your own ambitions," he stated protecting [ Name ] from Maynott.

"But, as everyone can plainly see, I've risked my life. Paté, I have slain the monster!"

"Tell that to the minister."

"With pleasure."

"Victor Maynott, I'm arresting you for the premeditated murder of Monsieur Francoeur," Paté said putting hand cuffs on Maynott.

"What? Have you lose your mind!"

"The opposite. I was so set on being a loyal officer, I didn't see the road you had taken us down, I needed a flea," Paté looked back towards [ Name ]," and a feline to show me the way."

"Are you mad? It was just a miserable little flea!"

"I think the young lady agrees that you're wrong, sir. There was more humanity in that flea than in the house I've seen before. Take him away!"

[ Name ] then went down towards her friends, saddened as they hugged one another.

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