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I'm editing this, making changes to the plot and just generally adding more context. i started writing this one year ago (almost to the day) and i have come a long way since lol, so enjoy ! 




'You're nervous,' Adi Gallia said without a hint of question in her voice as she glanced at her young Padawan, Colben Rahl, who was fidgeting in her spot. The elevator that they were stood in gently swayed as it shot them up the side of the tall Coruscant building. The pads of the Padawan's rugged and calloused fingers fiddled with a smoothed rock in her robe pocket as she rotated it in thought. 

'Yes, Master. I just hope she is not mad with me for the last inconvenience that arose,' Colben spoke softly and kept her gaze on the silver door in front of her. She rolled her shoulders in an attempt to shake herself free of some stress but it provided no comfort for her. She was feeling sick to her stomach. 

Colben was speaking of Senator Amidala, former Queen of Naboo, and the last time she had been there to protect her. Colben had accidentally smashed a priceless piece of headwear in her attempts to rush her to safety, and whilst Padmè assured her it was fine and that they knew not to get attached to them for a reason, Colben always held a small amount of guilt.

Adi hummed but remained silent, she knew better than to attempt to calm her Padawan who was always known to overthink things. She knew she couldn't offer any words to settle Colben, who had grown to be just as set in her ways as Adi was.

The Great Jedi Master, Adi Gallia, was exploring her new mission, which was to help organise a protection detail for the Senator of Naboo, along with her fervent Padawan learner. The task was very much out of place for them both, but the second Colben heard the name of her old friend, she had near begged Adi to allow them to assist. 

The doors of the elevator finally opened, leaving Colben to follow after her Master as the older woman exited the elevator with her head held high, a silent reminder for the younger girl to do the same. They quickly found themselves standing in a rather unnecessarily large, and brightly coloured, Coruscant apartment. It screamed Padmè. 

A Gungan in red royal robes approached them loudly with, 'Issa soso nica to meet you both!' He was incredibly enthusiastic and bowed respectfully. They both nodded at him, Adi to be the one to offer him a warm smile; Colben was too busy looking past him. He led them further into the apartment. 

When Colben saw Padmè standing in her formal attire next to Bail Organa, the two senators looking at them expectantly, she felt her excitement grow, despite the severity of the situation being so grand. Colben almost had to stop the small hop in her step from showing when she saw her old friend, who appeared to have not aged a day. 

'Master Gallia, it's an honour to finally meet you, I have heard so much about you from the Jedi Council!' Senator Amidala said and shook the older woman's hand before turning to Colben with open arms. 'It's such a pleasure to see you after all these years Colben, I doubt you have changed from the stories I've heard?'

'That I can promise you, Milady,' Colben said respectfully with a small smile and nod as they stepped away from one another.

'Please take a seat, we have much to discuss once Master Kenobi arrives,' Padmè said and gestured to the couch to her left.

Colben sat next to her Master patiently and didn't speak for several minutes. She instead listened to Senator Amidala talk about the new security arrangements and how she wanted to go over a few ideas with the two Jedi Masters — Master Gallia and Master Kenobi.

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