1. The beginning

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Draco POV

'It's not fair. That arse hole of a dude gets my man,' Draco thought. I sat there watching the man give Harry a kiss on the forehead and wave good bye. 

"Draco. Are you okay?" Harry asks once his boyfriend leaves. I nod and get back to work. I feel him starring at me.

"Stop staring Potter," I try my best to sneer.  I felt Harry stop looking at me.  I then heard his quill scratching on the parchment on his desk.  Harry started mumbling about something.

"Damnit Adien," Harry said pissed about something.  I look up to see Harry grasping his hand with a look of pain on his face. I got up and went to Harry. 'This is the last straw," I thought. Harry's hand was blistering up from a 3rd degree burn.

"He's so dead," Harry sneered. Three years of this and he's feed up with Adien. I look at him and stand.

"Three years Potter and you finally are feed up with him. Three years of pranks and this one pisses you off the most?" I say aggravated. I walk to get my wand and cast a couple healing spells on his hand.  He looks up at me.

"Thanks Draco," he said. He smiled at me. The smile made me melt. I smiled back at him.

"N-No problem," I stuttered.

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