2. The argument

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Harry POV

"ADIEN GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE RIGHT NOW," I yelled. Adien walked in there with his head down. He stared at my wrapped hand. He looked shocked to see my hand wrapped.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked. I glared at him. He cowered into a corner. He knew I was pissed. And I knew he was cheating on me.

"Your aware I know about your little side guy, right? I told you that I was done with your stupid little pranks, right?" I asked getting even more pissed. I pointed to the room and he knew he needed to pack.

"Your leaving tonight. We are no longer together and you are no longer aloud on my property," I snarled. He slowly walked up to the bedroom to pack. 'I loved him. Like actually loved him,' I thought. My face was a mix between anger and sadness.

*an hour later*

Adien finally left. I called 'Mione to see if she could come over. She said she was on her way. I sat on the coach and that's when shit hit the fan. I started having a panick attack because Adien had put something under the cushion I sat on. I got up and lifted up the cushion to see a huge fucking rat. I screamed and ran to the coffee table and got on top of it. That's when I heard 'Mione rush in the door.

"WHAT THE HELL HAR..." Hermione yelled but stopped in mid sentence when she seen the rat. She sighed and picked up the rat. She walked to the front door and chucked the damn thing outside. I got down off of the coffee table and smiled shyly at Hermione. She glared at me.

"I thought someone had attacked you. Then I remember you told me you were scared of rats," she sighed. She sat down on one of my chairs. I checked the rest of the coach before laying down on it. Then I felt 'Mione hug me. I didn't realize I was crying till that.

"What happened?" She asked. And I proceeded to explain what happened that day and what I had found out that morning from another caleage of mine. She looked as if she was ready to beat the brakes off of Adien.

"Yeah that's why I'm here crying like a baby venting to you," I said sniffling. Hermione  got up and went into the kitchen to do something. She came walking back out with some tea. She knew I liked tea on the days I was like this. She gave me a soft look and poured some tea into a tea cup and added a little bit of sugar and a little bit of milk. Geeze this women knew me too well.

"Thanks 'Mione,'' I said. And smiled at her. She shrugged then sat down again.

*three hours later*

Hermione had left two hours ago so I went to my room and picked up everything Adien had thrown around.

"Messy little prat," I mumbled. I had gotten my pj pants when I heard the door bell ring.

"Cant I ever get a break?" I asked myself. I walked down the stairs to answer the door. I open the door to see Draco standing on my porch.

"Yes Malfoy?" I asked. He snapped his head towards me as if he had zoned out.

" I-I won't be able to come to work on time tomorrow because I have a meeting with the women that my Father and Mother want me to marry. But I dont think I can do it," Draco said quickly. I nodded at what he was saying.

" Okay. Draco didn't you just get out of relationship with a guy?" I asked. He nodded. I felt sorry for him. I did the only thing I could think of and gave him a hug. He leaned into the hug. I let him go and he looked at me with desperation and for some reason love in his eyes.

"Good night Malfoy," I said slowly shutting the door. He looked hurt for a second then regained his posture.

"Good night Potter," I heard him say after I shut the door. And finally I went back upstairs to take my bath and relax. I got out of the tub and went to my room completely unaware of my erection. I layed down and tried to fall asleep.

That's when I realized it. 'Fucking great,' I thought. And proceeded to jerk off in my room and clean up using scrugify.

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