4. Memories

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* Mentions of abuse*

Draco POV

* flashback*

"Damn you Potter. My father will hear about this," I yelled. Harry flinched away from me. I stared at him and sneered. He had just been beaten to death by Ron, because he was gay. Harry bumped into me and had gotten blood on my robes. I stormed off with Blaise and Crabbe following.

* end of flashback *

I woke up that night with a jolt of fear. I knew what was gonna happen if my mother and father found out that I am in love with Harry bloody Potter.

I laid down and relaxed. At least I  tried to.

* flashback *

I was in an old abandoned class room with potter. I had him pinned against the wall.

"What are ya gonna do kiss me?" He taunted. I kissed him and surprisingly he kissed me back. He deepened the kiss by pulling me towards him with my waist. My hands roamed under his shirt. He started to unbutton mine.

* end of flashback *

I wrote a note to Harry saying that I wasn't gonna be at work tomorrow and didn't explain why. I sent it with my owl Richard. I laid back down and closed my eyes.

*flashback *

I knocked the weasels head into the wall.

"How dare you beat up Harry," I snarled and punched him in the face again. I heard a Professor coming down the hall.

"We're not finished here," I snarled again and ran down the hallway and around the corner.

"Weasley! What in the world happened? Come with me this instant," the Professor said.

* end of flashback *

I laid there smiling like a fool. I loved it when I smashed his face into a wall.

" I can't face Harry tomorrow after tonight," I said to myself. I closed my eyes again. And sleep finally took me.

* beginning of dream*

I was walking down the hallway to the office me and Harry share. I was rereading my report that I just finished writing. I walked into the office to see Harry in just his boxers and he was sitting on his desk swinging one of his legs that was hanging off the desk. He crooked a finger at me telling me to come closer. I stepped in and shut the door behind me. After I shut the door Harry got up and walked over to me. He pushed me up against the door. He kissed me and grinded on me. He felt hard.

"H - Harry," I stuttered. He kissed me again.

* end of dream *

I woke up to a knock on the window. I looked up to see Richard. I got up and let him in. When he landed I took the letter. The letter said,

Dear Draco,

I need you to come into work tomorrow. That report you are writing needs to be finished by tomorrow and turned in at one o'clock in the afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Love, Harry ❤

Did Harry really put a heart at the end of the letter? Yeah he did.

"I wonder why?" I asked myself. I walked back to my bed and checked the time on the muggle alarm clock. 1am. Great. I laid back down but didn't go to sleep this time.

* beginning of a flashback*

I woke up in the the Gryffindor dorm with Harry cuddled up to me.

'I'll stay until he wakes up,' I thought. I lifted the blanket a little. Yep, we did what I thought we did. I laid my arm over Harry's waist and cuddled closer to him.

" I love you Draco," I heard harry say. He turned over to look at me.

" I mean it. I love you. Always have always will," he said.

"I love you to Harry," I said.

* end of flashback *

I jolted up. Harry still might love me. I got out of bed and, hurriedly, got dressed. I ran down to my fire place. I grabbed floo pouder.

" Ministry of Magic," I pronounced loud and clear.

I stepped out of the fire place and ran to one of the elevators. I pressed the button to the Auror floor. I slowly walked out of the elevator. I proceeded to walk to our office. When I got there I seen Harry reading a report on something.

" Morning Drac," Harry said.
"Your coffee is on your desk," he added.

"Morning to you as well Harry
Thanks by the way," I said as I walked to my desk. I began writing on my report.

* beginning of flashback *

My father stormed I to my room and beat the hell out of me.

" WHAT DID YOU DO DRACONUS LUCIOUS MALFOY," my father yelled. I started crying.

"I - I have no idea what your talking about," I stammered. He didn't quite beating me until my mother walked in and screamed.

" GET OFF OF HIM YOU BASTARD," she screamed. She pulled him off of me and shoved him out of my room. She ran to me and started casting healing spells on me.

*end of flashback *

I was jerked out of the memory by Harry.

" Drac, you ok?" He asked. I nodded and he glared.

"Your not ok. And that's fine Drac. Please just tell me what's going on," Harry practically begged. He had worry in his voice. I looked up at him. I kissed him out of nowhere. But he kissed back.

"Nothings wrong. Just flashbacks," I said after we pulled away from each other. He hugged me really tight.

"What're you doing Saturday night?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Nothing. Why?" I said.

"Good. Wanna go on a date Saturday?" He asked. I smiled big and nodded.

" Yes, yes, yes. A million times yes," I said really happy. He smiled and kissed me again then went back to reading whatever report he was reading.

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