3. The disaster

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Draco POV

After I left Harry's house I went home and cried. I didn't want to marry a women. I wanted Harry. I was in my room when I got a fire message from my Father.

"Draco you are to come to the Malfoy Maner at 9:00 am sharp. NOT A MINUTE LATE"

I didn't answer his fire message. I headed to the shower to cleanse. And went to bed after I was done.

*In the morning*

I woke up to my alarm I had set for 7:00 am. I got up quickly and started looking for the nicest suit I had. I found it in the very back of my closet.

I apparated to the manor around 7:30. My parents were surprised that I was there early. I plan to tell them I'm gay.

"Father. Mother," I greeted them  coldly. They nodded their heads at me to signify that they heard me.

"I have something important to tell you," I said right as the women I'm supposed to marry walks in through the door. I glare at her. She looked to innocent to get married.

"What do you need to tell us dear?" My mother asked. I glared at everyone in the room.

" I am not going to marry her," I announce. My father has pure rage on his face.

" THIS IS THE FOURTH GIRL YOU REFUSED TO MARRY. WOULD YOU LIKE TO EXPLIAN WHY," He yelled. I looked at my mother and she looked mad also.

"I would if you would stop yelling, " I said. My father shut up and glared at me. I laughed mentally.

"I'm gay and I'm in love with someone," I said calmly. My father walked up to me and smacked me. The girl I was supposed to marry ran out the room crying. My mom gasped and looked at me as if I was someone she didn't know. As for me, I pushed my father away and challenged him to come at me again.

He stood there glaring. Just glaring at me but didn't come at me again. 'That's exactly what I thought,' I started thinking before my dad threw a curse at me. I wasn't prepared for a wand duel.

After I got up and hit my dad with stupify, his wand flew into mine. I glared at him. And that's when I heard the front door of the Manor bang open.

Harry came running into the room. Supposedly the women had went to Harry and asked him to escourt her to the Manor because she was scared something bad was gonna happen.

Harry shot a binding spell at my father. He looked pissed. Harry pick Lucious up by the rope and carried him outside. I looked at my mother.

"Mother, are you okay with me being..." I trailed off. She shook her head no. Tears started threatening to fall. I ran threw the front doors and into someone. Whoever I ran into embraced me in a hug.

"Are you okay?" The person asked. I recognized that it was Harry. I started crying into his chest. Harry yelled some kind of command about taking my father somewhere. And then he apparated us somewhere.

I finally look up to see that we're in the living room of his flat. He sat me on the couch and motioned me to stay there. He went into the kitchen and made him something. Harry knew a couple of things about me.

Harry POV

I made Draco some tea. I know that he likes it with two sugars. I knew he was upset about everything that just happened.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked walking into the living room with Dracos' tea. He shook his head no. I shrugged my shoulders. I sat next to him and gave him the tea.

"Two sugars?" He asked. I nodded. He laid his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you Harry," he mumbled.

"Your welcome Draco," I said. We sat there for a minute. Draco yawned and sipped on his tea. My stomach twisted into a knot. And I got butterfly's in my stomach. Draco looked at me and we locked eyes. A blush found it's way across my face and up to the tip of my ears. Draco looked away.

"I-I need to go home," he stuttered. I nodded dumbly. I stood quickly and apparated Draco and I into his front yard.

" H-Have a good night," I stuttered. Draco kissed my cheek and smiled at me.
"I will," he said. I watched him walk into his house. I appareted to my living room flat. I sat down blushing and butterfly's in my stomach. Without realizing I started smiling like a idiot.

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