5. back to catching feelings

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*smut warning*

Harry POV

I walked out of the Ministry thinking of what I just did.

'I just did that didn't I?' I asked myself.
I was walking down the street when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I froze in place.

"If you hurt my son Harry Potter. I swear you'll regret living," said a high pitched voice.

"Hello Mrs. Malfoy. I wont hurt Draco I promise," I said.  I felt her glaring at me.

"Good. Now good day," she said and I heard her heels retreating from me. I started walking again. I walked around the corner and bumped into someone. I looked up and seen Draco.

"Hey. Can we uh talk?" He asked.

"Sure," I said. He turned and walked away and I had to run to catch up to him. Draco looked scared. He walked into an abandoned building. As I walked in I heard him breathing hard.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me and shook his head.

"My mother knows and my father has set me up to marry another women. My father keeps denying that I'm gay and is still gonna force me to marry a women, " Draco said quickly. I walked up to him and hugged him. At first he stiffened up. But then he relaxed.

He looked down at me and lifted up my chin to look at him. He had a twinkle in his eyes and that made them very pretty.

I leaned up on my tip toes and kissed him. He was still for a second then started to kiss back. He took this opportunity to push me against the wall.

I moaned quietly. He smiled into the kiss. I ran my hands up his back.

"Good lord boys get a room," someone said. Draco ignored them and kept kissing me. 

'Dont let me go,' I thought. I pulled Draco closer. My hands now on his waist. The person walked up and jerked Draco off of me.

"WHY IN THE HE..." I stopped mid sentence.  It was Dracos mother. She looked pissed. Draco grabbed my hand and apparated to his new home. He looked down at me and picked me up. He carried me to his room.

"D-Draco," I stuttered. Draco chuckled and laid me down on the bed.

"Shall we continue?" He asked. I nodded.  He kissed me again. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip until he opened his mouth. Then I stuck my tongue in. He took this chance to suck on my tongue. I moaned quietly.

He started to unbutton my pants. So I went to unbutton his shirt. He pulled back from the kiss.

"No touch or you wont get any action," he said seductively. He made my cock jump. I nodded. He started to kiss my neck. I held back a moan.

"Your such a tease Draco," I moaned out. He chuckled and pulled my shirt off. He started kissing a line down my stomach. He kissed above my pant line.

Draco then proceeded to pull down my pants and underwear. I looked down and seen him eyeing my cock hungrily.

"Dont be such a fucking tease Draco. Fucking give it to me already," I said begging. He looked up and gave me a smirk. Then Draco took me into his mouth. I moaned quietly. 

Draco POV

As I was sucking Harry. I thought of something fun. I started to swirl my tongue around him. That got what I wanted out of him. Harry moaned really loud. I ran my teeth over the head every time I came up. Harry started to moan louder and I started to bob my head faster.

"D-Draco.. I-I'm about to..," Harry tried to say.  I kept going. He cam into my mouth. I swallowed and hummed out my pleasure.

"I-I need you in me," Harry moaned. I looked up and chuckled. I came up to kiss him.  I used my knee to spread his legs.

"You know your my first time," I whispered in his ear. He gasped in shock.

"Do.. Do you know how to..," he trailed off. And I shook my head. He smiled slightly.

"May I help you?" He asked. I nodded. He unbuttoned my pants and shirt. I slid them off. And he pulled down my boxers. Then he grabbed my waist. He started to lead  my cock to where it should go.

I looked up at him uncertain. He smiled reassuringly. I trusted him. He leaned upward.

"Now push it in," he whispered in my ear. I got chills and I got harder. I'm guessing Harry felt it because he moaned a little. I started to push it in. I started to go faster and Harry moaned quietly. I hit his feline point, I think. Harry moaned out really loud.

"Draco, hold on," he moaned. I was upset. Did I do something wrong? He leaned up and kissed me.

"Take your arms and push them under my shoulders," he said. I was confused but went with it. When I was done doing that our faces were about 5 feet apart.

"What now?" I asked.

"Continue, " is all he said. So I started going harder and faster. I repeatedly hit his feline point. Harry started to moan louder and louder. I was close to cumming in him. I kept going harder and faster.

I cumed in him and he moaned. I moaned louder than him. I was out of breath and Harry looked at me with love.

I pulled out and laid beside him.

"I didn't know you were a top," Harry said. 

"A top?" I questioned. Harry chuckled.

"A top is someone who likes to take control in the bed. A bottom, like me, likes the top to take control over them. And bottoms like being choked sometimes. Or if your a switch then you like the control over someone or when someone controls you," he explained. I kissed him and laid my head on his chest. He chuckled.

"Good night Draco. Love you, " harry said.

"Gnight Harry love you to," I mumbled . Then we fell  into a peaceful sleep.

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